An Unbreakable Defence!?

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"I have a favour to ask, General! Shall we fight somewhere else? I mean I don't want us to come between their fight." Blaze requested Krua.

"Of course, little revolutionary. I will take it as your last wish." He accepted with a smirk.

"See, your brother or partner, whatever he is, leaving you alone here to let you die!" Aram laughs, sarcasticly.

"Yeah, he left, but not because he of that... But the reason is he will finally show his 100% and not let our fight disrupt him, that's why he distant himself." Goliath said like a proud big brother.

"Ooh! You think your little partner can defeat my brother!? Hahaha!! Nice one. Now I want to see your defeated face and your brother's unconscious body!" Aram laughed loudly.

"In my opinion, we should get started, right demon!?" Goliath grabs his stance. "Very well then let's do it!" By saying that he launched himself on Goliath.

"Haah! 'Defence Aura!' " Goliath uses his shield to block Aram's full-force attack but still got scratches on his body.

"You still alive...!? Now I am impressed." Aram praised Goliath who grabbed his strength and stood again.

"It was nothing for me!" Goliath said. "Then let's see if you can handle this!" By saying this Aram made some gestures in the air like he was cutting the air.

"Take this if you can see it! 'Silent Fury'!" Aram launches some invisible slashes on Goliath which after some time make many cuts in Goliath's body because those slashes can't be seen like that.

"Argh!" Goliath fell on his knees and coughed blood. "What was...that...!" He asked in a fainted voice.

"That was my silent fury, which can't be seen by any humans like you! But seriously I am still surprised that you are alive. You are a tough one, man." Aram, in his whole life after his brother Krua and The Almighty Demon Lord, Goliath was the first person he praised like this.

"Don't worry, human. I will make sure to send all of your family and friends to the afterlife, after you." Aram starts mocking Goliath.

"I! Am! The one! Sending you! To that bloody afterlife!!" Goliath screams his pain and stands up pushing his limits which makes Aram shocked because Goliath was in no condition to even move yet he stood.

"Your physique is something, big guy! But now it's interesting! Lemme see if you can stand like this again!" Aram vanishes from there and emerges from behind Goliath and kicks him in the guts.

"Argh!" Goliath slammed down far from the place breaking 3-4 houses on his way. "Ooh! You ok, big guy? Did I hit too hard?" Aram starts to poke Goliath with his leg. "Hey, old man! Are you dead already? It won't be fun if you die this fast. So got up already, ooold maan...! Ok, lemme help you stand up." Aram picks Goliath from his clothes easily like a normal thing and then throws him from there Goliath's clothes get ripped up too.

"Huff! Huff! I need to stand up and fight! I can't let these guys hurt Blaze too, not after he finally starts his new calming life. For Blaze.., for Hunter, for Luke, for Luna..." Goliath was thinking all of these and trying harder to stand, "Cum'mon Goliath! You have to for Shadow... for... Alisa. She is someone who gives everyone a new hope, a new light. I don't know how but everyone is calmed and wants to become stronger because of her and since she joined us. If a new girl can change all of us like that, then I will too... bet on her!" By saying this he blocked Aram's kick, which Aram was about to use to crush Goliath's head, with his bare hands.

"I won't let anyone get hurt till I am alive!!" With that, he stood and hit Aram's shocked face so hard that he began to bleed.

"What the hell!? How are you still standing, you weakling!?" He gets regenerated but Goliath figures out he is healing normally like those of his soldiers so that means he still can defeat Aram if he injures him back to back.

"Eat this, you dirty human!" Aram again started using his Silent Fury. "You are finished!" He launches.

"Haaah!! Gathering all of my elemental energy together!" Goliath starts chanting something in between Aram's attacks which makes Aram confused, "What you doing? You can't defend yourself against my Silent Fury!!"

"Secret art! 'Healing Barrier!' the earth under Goliath covered him, absorbed every elemental energy from Goliath and protected him against Aram's Silent Fury which was too shocking for Aram.

"How can a normal land protect you from something that can even cut air!!" Aram shouts and after some time, Earth releases Goliath and Aram sees a completely healed Goliath. "Now... I am gonna finish you, demon!" Goliath rushed himself on Aram.

"You think that!? Let's see who gonna kill whom first!!" They both launched themselves on each other.

"Haah!" Aram uses punch, "Reflected aura!" Goliath uses his shield which makes Aram and Goliath both pushed back.

"So you can reflect my physical attacks!? That's interesting!" Aram praised him again.

"Keep these praises to yourself, demon. Because I will give you many opportunities to praise me!" With that saying Goliath uses his offensive attack, "Raging blast!" Which made the whole ground shake.

"You think it can stop me!?" Aram jumps high to evade but by the time he looks at Goliath, he has already vanished from there, "Huh! Where is he-?"

Goliath smashed Aram with his shield and took him down with himself.


After reaching the ground Goliath starts to beat Aram brutally.

"Aah!! You Bloody...!!" With that, Aram kicked Goliath's stomach which was already wounded by his kicks. "Agh!" Both of Goliath's weapons dropped from his hands.

"Huff! Huff! I am a demon idiot I can't be killed by these normal wounds!" Aram slowly slowly came towards Goliath.

"Now let me finish this one for all!" With this, he used his strongest Silent fury. The ground shattered and Goliath was wounded and his whole body was covered with blood.

"It was a good fight, strong one." Aram praised Goliath's physical building which made him live for this long.

"But your time had come the time you saw me." He said and started to walk to where Blaze and Krua were fighting...

'Battle end!?'

Author's POV:-
So hey guys this is it for this chapter I hope you liked it. I don't know what to say or how to react now... I have nothing to say so try to enjoy it guys.
Bye Bye 👋🏻

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