We are the dawn of this world!!

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"Alisa, don't worry they are my friends and are good people. So don't hesitate, introduce yourself." Luke put his hand on her shoulder as she was holding back. "Are we scary!!" "Hahaha, yea we are but not for a good girl!" All started to laugh, then one girl came in front.

A short white-haired girl adjusting her spectacles said "Ex-excuse me! My name is Luna, I-i am the only girl here. So if you are shy, don't be because they are really amazing boys-" As Luna was ensuring her, Alisa cut in between. "No, it's not like that...ok fine let me introduce myself. My name is Alisa Matiken, I was born in...The Northern Wasteland." She said giving a big sigh.

Everyone was shocked "WAIT WHAT!!? YOU MEAN WHERE JACKSON AND MAYA STAYING!!??" A boy putting his goggles on his silky orange hair and has a shocked look on his face shouts suddenly.

"Yea-yeah, I was living with uncle and aunt since I was 9 years old..." she answered. After that everyone relieved a big sigh and then that goggle boy continues "Damn! I am sorry for the sudden shout, I was shocked after hearing you came from there." He apologizes but when Alisa is about to say something he starts again.

"So hi Alisa, My name is Hunter! I'm the leading member here, cutie." He winks at her. "Not again." "Bruh! He's not gonna learn." Everyone starts to laugh except one girl who believes in his words and is looking at him with a sparkle in her eyes. "Wow! Really!?"

A.N.:- Well to be honest everything is new for her so almost everything can make her eyes sparkle.

"He is just the oldest here that's why he thinks he is the leader, so don't worry he is not stronger than us..." Luke says going in front of her and standing beside his friends. "Ooh! He doesn't look like the oldest to be honest!!" She again was surprised.

Luke smiles and says "Let me introduce everyone here to you, princess." One by one he goes to them "This is our cute girl, Luna..." he pats her and goes to others "This is our so-called leader, Hunter... Hunter again winks at her as Luke goes to another guy "This is our wall, seriously the strongest man physically here, Goliath..." A huge man with a muscular body, black-haired gives a warm and kind smile to Alisa while she is just listening and getting excited for others to get introduced. "This is -" Luke got cut off by the boy he gonna introduce next. "My name is Blaze..." he said and went to his daily place, the couch but still didn't show any rude behaviour at all.

"Uhm... Well, he is a bit shy in front of girls or women. So yeah he is Blaze, our backbone, a very determined member!" Alisa is really impressed by him actually, we can see by the way she is looking at Blaze sitting on the couch and reading a novel. "Ahm!!" Luke did this intentionally to divert her attention. Alisa looked at Luke.

"So Alisa, we are the current members of the revolutionary team who will continue to oppose those who took rule over our world!" Luke suddenly got serious while Alisa was looking at him in shock. Everyone standing there smiles and looks at her and Luke continues "Those old couples you were staying with, were one of the previous members here. As everyone died or was separated from their generation, they went there to protect or give support to the weak."

He opens up his hands to mention everyone behind him and continues, "So, we started it as a new beginning and named it 'THE RADIANT GUARDIANS'. We the radiant guardians, are formed to bring the lost light of this world back to it." He takes a long sigh and then says louder "WE ARE THE DAWN OF THIS WORLD, WE ARE THE ONE WHO WILL END THE CRUELTY OF THOSE DESTROYING OUR WORLD."

As she heard those words, everything around her began to change like she is somewhere else now. She is alone in the vast land and everything is dark around her but suddenly a ray of light gently touches her hand and when she looks in front, the sun comes out of the darkness. When she looked closely she saw those five people; Luna, Hunter, Goliath, Blaze and Luke, instead of the sun, who were smiling brightly.

"Alisa! I want you to join us!!" Luke lends her his hand and requests.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys it's the whole chapter. Funny isn't it xD, well their first interactions. You will got to know more about them as we go further in the story so don't worry. You can message me if you have any questions or queries too u know. Now enjoy guys. Bye Bye 👋🏻

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