Masters of mischief

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As everyone from the Radiant Guardians went for something to do, the other side of the story was being all mischief.

"Lord Maki-" a soldier came at the wrong time. "Aah-" and got pushed to the wall by the strong gravity. "Stop... Please... Forgive me... Lord Maki-" He begged between the pressure.

"Huh...who is there? Ooh! Sorry sorry about that I was sleeping so I guess my power got leaked. Hahaha, poor you." Maki, one of the strongest demons under the Demon King, said yawning.

"Yeah, so what is it? Why did you wake me, I guess you know it shouldn't be useless or else... Haha, let's just think you know." He said reaching towards him and then grabbing his chin.

"L- Lord Maki... Those revolutionaries, they are on their move again..." He said shivering with fear.

"Oofo, this is the reason you came here for... Don't you guys have anyone to take care of them... I mean it's 3rd time, they already got defeated 2 times, so why again." Maki said leaving the soldier's chin and turning around and going towards his window.

"Forgive me, Lord. But they are stronger than our average soldiers... Argh-" he was cut off by the sudden gravity push again. "Forgive m- Forgive me, Lord... I will g- go and arrange something- huff! huff!" He got released.

But when he raised his head, there was no one Maki was already gone from there. The soldier went from there too in a hurry and started to arrange something.

"Hey!! Lamiiii!! You awak-" Maki got cut off his tongue in a matter of seconds. "How many times do I have to tell you Don't Call Me That." The lady gives him a death stare.

"Oofo..." His tongue got regenerated, "But I love to call you that na... And why only me who you hate so much, you said you love handsome guys so why not me..." Maki pouted and made baby face in front of the lady.

"I am into buffed and sexy guys, not a lazy ass like yours..." She said. "Ouch! That hurts... But never mind. By the way, we didn't fight for 200 years right, Lamia? I am getting bored now." He said while sitting on Lamia's bed.

Lamia, one of the main demons of the demon king. The demon king has some strongest and some Main demons under him.

Strongest which he uses for fights and Mains which he calls whenever he needs some words about important things. Some demons are rolled for both strong and main for him. Mains don't need to be stronger than the Strongest ones, they are just more important than them.

"You heard it, right? Those revolutionaries, they are irritating us again. This generation is quite annoying right, Lamia?" He said while picking an apple and starts eating.

"They are not strong enough like previous generations, those were alone stronger than these combined. So I don't think we should be focusing on them." Lamia said.

"But Lamii- I mean Lamia, I am getting bored. Even my Aero is bored and hungry, he wants to tear some of the other's partners, you know." Maki said and Aero is his partner, a pterodactyl.

"Even if you are bored, be it. We can't do anything till lord order." Lamia said opening her wings and ready to fly. "You going? What will I do here then?" Maki asks.

"Lord call us to talk about something important, stay here and try to do something about them. Don't forget that we, who are close to the lord, can't go till he told us to." Lamia said and flew in the blink of an eye.

"You will see... What will I do." An evil laugh left from Maki's lips which made the whole mansion shake.

After some moments another demon enters Lamia's mansion.

"Lamia-" He found Maki in her room, "What the hell you doing here, Maki?" He asks in a serious tone.

"Oh! Hey Blitz. What's up." Maki comes towards Blitzrock, one of the Strongest ones.

"You will never learn right, doing our names short, you enjoy it every time even if you get paid for that." Blitzrock sighed.

Maki smirks, "Why are you here?" He asks. "Well unlike you I have some important things to discuss with her. I mean as she is close to the lord, and is easy to talk to so..." Blitzrock was explaining but then stopped suddenly.

"Why am I even telling you this? You are of no use." He was about to go from there but felt heavy gravity upon himself.

"Did I permit you to go?" Maki asks but suddenly feels someone from behind.

"Do I need it?" Blitzrock was behind him all of a sudden.

"Haha! As fast as always. I am impressed, Blitz." Maki said to ease the atmosphere again.

"Don't forget, I am one of your leagues too." He said but then Maki asked something he wanted to hear.

"You came here to discuss about those revolutionaries, right?" Maki asks. "How did you know?" Blitzrock replied with shock.

"Well I got interrupted from my sleep because of that news so... You know my men don't dare to do that without any good reasons so yeah it's something to discuss about." He said crossing his arms.

"Well, it's hard to see you using your brain, fighting worm." Blitzrock said praisingly.

"So, what are you planning to do Blitz?" Maki asks, knowing Blitzrock always come up with a plan.

"As we both know, we can't go by ourselves till the lord wants." Maki nods, "So let's send some strong ones under us." Blitzrock said with a smirk.

"I knew it! Someone like you will always help me." Maki said laughing out loud.

Then both of them vanish from Lamia's mansion.

On the other side, Luke trying his best to train Alisa with both of her physical and her power to control the partners.

"You are getting better and better every day, Alisa." Luke praised her.

"Well, Blaze trained me practically so I don't think fighting will be my problem, obviously if opponents are weak. The main problem is my power, which is just a mental power of both mine and those partners whom I am controlling." She said clinching her palm.

"It's ok, Alisa. If he trained you physically, I will train you mentally. Meaning I will make you better in your power, as I am the only one who knows more about it." Luke said before reaching near a bar.

"Ok let's take a break and eat something good." Both get inside the place.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys, it's another chapter. I tried to show the villain's side xD, but don't know if I did it correctly so, please bear it xD. And yeah next 2 weeks, I will take break as my exams coming so, you know. Ok so hope you enjoyed it.
Bye Bye 👋🏻

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