Hope in each other

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"Huff! Huff! You really are so strong! And the thing that you awakened while fighting me... Is praisable." Aram and his Mike were beaten up really badly by Tusk and Goliath's teamwork.

"Argh!" Goliath falls on his knee because of too much tiredness, "Huff! Huff! Maybe because I got so much experience on me or maybe because you were the true opponent I needed." For the first time, Goliath praised Aram too.

"Tell me why you are killing people and recruiting them forcefully?" Goliath asked.

"I only do it for my brother who has already given his loyalty towards our Lord. I admire him so I can do anything for him." Aram answered while looking at Goliath, "But he never treated me as you did your little brother. The belief, the confidence, the hope you two have in each other is praisable." He says.

"Not only in us, we revolutionaries, The Radiant Guardians, have each other's shoulder, believe, hope on themselves. We will survive and will change this world together, till the end!" Goliath says ready to unleash his last attack, "You were a strong opponent, but for the peace, I need to clear every evil mind. Now rest well, Aram." With that Goliath used his last attack.

"Crystal beam burst!!"

An attack which was released from the ground and covered Goliath and when he shot it on Aram, it went like a beam. Which makes the whole way of the attack, destroyed.

Just before the attack came Aram said his last words, "Let's be like them in our next life... Big brother..."

Finally, Goliath won. Tusk was soo warned out that he vanished. And Mike died with his master too because of weakness.

Goliath breathed a long one and fell on the ground resting his body. "What's taking Blaze so long!?" He talks to himself and faints.

*While fighting* "Why are you in their team, boy? You are so strong that a Demon General is struggling to fight against you. Then why not decide to join us instead of those weak humans." Krua was struggling as Blaze's power kept rising continuously while they were fighting.

"Because first, I hate demons. Second, I hate whoever hurts innocent people. Third, my mom's last wish was to protect everyone who can't protect themselves. Fourth, both angels and demons hurt my only friends, the whole Radiant Guardians. I don't think I need any other reasons, not to join you, evils." Blaze answered with his every attack.

"Huff! Huff! You don't think those on the throne are this weak, who can be defeated by the likes of you, right!? They are beyond your reach, kid. We are not even in their legs. Those who are strongest after the rulers, are still half of their strength." Krua said backing off to dodge Blaze's attack.

"We know that. We know they are too strong for us. But we, everyone who wants peace in this world, have high hopes. I know hope can't do anything but it makes us stronger, stronger day by day, which is the most important thing, to be stronger day by day. One day we will defeat those rulers together with their pawns!" Blaze answered proudly, and while giving it he gestured to Ragnar which he understood.

"Wha-" Ragnar grabbed Krua from behind. Now he can't move because Ragnar is on top of Krua. Peck is already defeated so there is no one coming to his rescue now.

"I understand your loyalty to the Demon King, but doing things for your king won't change the fact that those are evil. You were a great warrior, I give you that. But this will be your last moment, so remember everyone or everything you want. With that Blaze put all his energy into Eternity's Bane.

"So my time is finally coming... I hope I could tell my brother that I loved him too... More than he did..." Krua's last words before Blaze said...

"Shadow Reaper Slash!!"

A deadly blow cut and destroyed everything that came in its way, including Krua. Ragnar vanished just a second before that attack cut Krua.

"You did great, Ragnar. Now you can rest." Blaze said, ready to walk towards Goliath.

When reached there he kills every soldier capturing Macri's people. Everyone was shocked that one was lying there tired and the other didn't even show that he is tired even though he fought the stronger one. "Please, take care of my brother." By saying this Blaze got unconscious too.

After some hours.

"Aaaah! What the-" Goliath growls in pain when one of the villagers puts some acupuncture on him.

"Where I am!? And what are you doing!?" He asked.

"I am really sorry, Mr Goliath. We are treating your wounds. You still are in Macri village." The villagers told him everything since he fainted after the fight.

"Argh! It's fine do it carefully. By the way, where is he-" Goliath asked while getting up but got cut by villagers, "Stay where you are, Mr. and about the other hero, he is perfectly fine and waiting outside for your recovery. So don't worry."

"That's great then. Call him inside, please. Because I will get bored sitting here like this." Goliath requests.

"As you wish, Mr." The villager went.

"Mr. Blaze, Mr. Goliath calling you inside." He said. "Oh ok let's go." Blaze said standing up.

After a while...

"Goliath, you ok?" Blaze came and asked. "Oh! Yeah, I am fine, Blaze. What about you? I mean you fought the other one who was stronger." He asked worriedly.

"I am fine, don't worry." Blaze hugs Goliath which makes him shock.

"Wha- What... happened, Blaze." Goliath asked. "Nothing..." After a long pause, he continued, "I was afraid that I lost you. I was... when I didn't sense your aura I thought... I thought I-" Blaze was about to cry but Goliath made him comfortable and calm by patting him.

"Haha! You really are changed, Blazie. I didn't know you would be that sad by my death. Hahaha!" Goliath broke the hug.

"Yeah, I know I don't show much emotion, much love towards any of you, except Luna. But deep inside me, I love all of you more than anything. I can even fight with anyone for you guys even if they are stronger than me." Blaze finally opened himself in front of Goliath.

"I have to say thanks to young Alisa, she really did the job Hunter wanted even without asking for." Goliath laughs.

"Mr. Blaze and Mr. Goliath, rest well for some days here. It will make us happy. After you guys will heal perfectly you can go freely. Please take it as an order." The head of the Macri village requested and gave both of them their village's clothes as it always is a cold environment and because both of their clothes got torn during fights.

"Aah thank you for the proposal we will accept it." Goliath thanked them wholeheartedly. "Thank you for the clothes too." Blaze bowed in front of them on behalf of both him and Goliath.

After that, they both rested there for like many days.

Now time for Shadow and Luna's side!

Author's POV:-

So hey guys this is it for this chapter. It was rushed so forgive me about that. Next one gonna be boring or interesting... idk xD you will decide. So yea, I hope you love it I mean the bond between Blaze and Goliath and their hope in the team. Enjoy,
Bye Bye 👋🏻

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