Whispering Winds...

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"Son, I am going to work, stay with your mom, ok?" A man in black, pats his son's head and bids farewell.

"Come home sooner, Daddy!" A 9-year-old boy requested his father. "Ok, I will try." The man vanished from the place.

"Come inside, Shadow!" Little Shadow's mom called him inside the house. "Yes, ma!"

Little Shadow lives with his mom Pritha, dad Carew and his younger sister Cora. They live in a clan which is of ninjas named Whispering Winds clan, which was famous for their silent assassination. They all worked for the demon clan as like every human they were forced to do this too under demons. Shadow's mom works in the house taking care of their kids, father works under the demons with every ninja from Whispering Winds clan. His sister Cora was still 3 years old and Shadow was 9 when the tragedy happened in his past. This past is from the same time when Alisa's and Blaze's past happened, exactly 9 years back from the present...

Some days later...

"Mom!! Where are you going!? Where are they taking you!?" Little Shadow asks worriedly.

"Baby Shadow, listen here. I am going somewhere far, I want you to protect your sister and your father for me." Pritha hugs little Shadow while crying.

"But mom-!" Shadow was about to say something but the person taking his mom pulled her roughly which made her scream in pain but she controlled herself because she didn't want Shadow to worry more.

"Where is dad, mom?" Shadow asked, crying. "He will come soon, baby. Just stay with your sister, ok?" Pritha said, giving baby Shadow a last hug trying hard not to lose herself.

"Mom!! Please don't go!!! Mom!!" Little Shadow cried and screamed a lot but his mom was already taken from there.

After some hours Carew came home.

"Shadow! Where are you, Shadow!?" He screams and little Shadow comes running from the bedroom.

"Daddy!! They took Mom! Please bring her back, Daddy!" He cries a lot again but his father hugs him not saying anything and letting him cry.

"She will never come back now, Shadow." Carew said emotionless but Shadow cried more after hearing it by which his sister woke and started crying. Shadow wiped his tears fast and went to Cora to make her sleep again.

"He is such a good boy, a good son and a good brother. She did a great job." Carew said with an unwanted smile on his face.

Between the Whispering Winds clan and the demons, there is a pact that until they give them a woman every 6 months, they all will be safe. And this time it was Pritha, Shadow's mother...

Life becomes hard for both little ones because their father always comes late at night and they don't have a mother to take care of them now. Little Shadow does his best to take care of both his sister and father as his mom's last words.

And after 3 months... Demons got hungry and greedy and asked for women way before the sacrificing month.

"Carew!" The demon leader of that clan calls for Carew and he appears there in a blink of an eye.

"Yes, master." Carew said bowing his head.

"Where is my favourite dinner?" The leader asks, smirking.

Carew wanted to talk about how is this too soon but seeing the lust and hunger in the Master's eyes he stopped himself.

"Master, now only the little ones left. They won't even be a breakfast to you. I request you to wait for at least 1 year, I assure you it will be worth it and we will give you two of them as an offerin-" While Carew telling the master about the problem, bowing down, he cuts one of Carew's hands which makes him scream.

"You think I am the one who needs protection here!? If they can't even be my breakfast, then I will eat two girls at the same time! You understand, pests!?" The Master kicked Carew away, who was in pain but controlling himself.

"B- but master-" Carew wanted to say something again but the Master gave him a death stare by which Carew got scared and vanished from there.

Carew came to Whispering Wind's meeting place, all covered in blood.

"Huh! What happened, Carew!? Who did this to you!?" Nike, a friend of Carew who has a really good bond with his family too, asks seeing him bleeding so badly.

"We need girls... Nike." Carew said. "Huh! But we can't offer these little girls and that is even before the time. You didn't talk to them!? Or wait he did this to you!?" Nike was both angry and scared.

"Yes, he was too angry and said he needs two of them at once." Another member was giving Carew first aid.

"Damn it! But who gonna give their small girl, who didn't even full-fledged yet." Nike sits on his knees and starts to cry.

"If no one is gonna give it... I will steal them!" The first aid was done and Carew stood grabbing his strength. "Wait what!? What are you saying, Carew!? Are you out of your damn mind!" Nike tried to snap him out of it but Carew was too scared of what just happened.

"Don't worry, I will only give one and that will be mine..." Carew said this without even thinking twice which made Nike angry as hell and he punched him in the face.

"Shut up!! How can you even think about it? She is just 3 years old! Pritha sacrificed herself because we were there to protect her kids not to just offer them to the Master! I won't let this happen. Not in my presence at least." Nike said grabbing Carew's neck.

"That's why I said, I will steal her..." He vanished saying this, Carew was the fastest and strongest ninja of their clan so no one could stop him but still Nike tried his best by following him and attacking him.

"I won't let this happen!!" Nike said launching himself on Carew. After a short battle, Nike lost as he already knows but not like this.

"Please... don't do it. She is your daughter... Please, Carew." Nike starts crying and begging, grabbing Carew's leg.

After thinking and standing there for 5 minutes Carew talks, "You have only 20 minutes before the Master will attack all of us... Go and save them, please! I will try to stop them till then... I know I can't for long that's why go fast, Nike! Save them!" Carew said crying and in a begging tone.

Nike had no one in his family as all of them were women or young girls and everyone had to go for the offering so now Carew and his family were everything he had.

"Please! You come too, we can run together!" Nike asks. "I am the strongest here... Only I can stop them for some time and with my other mates we will give you some more time. As a leader, it's my responsibility to not to leave them fighting alone with those monsters. I entrust my kids to you now, Nike. Take care of them for me... For Pritha." Carew said and kicked Nike far to send him to his kids. "Goodbye... my friend." These were the last words Nike heard from Carew.

Author's POV:-
So hey guys this is it. I thought of making his past in only one chapter but it is taking more than that so yeah another chapter has to be added. I hope you will like Shadow's past too like you did with Blaze's one. Enjoy.
Bye Bye 👋🏻

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