A new beginning!?

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"you all are in the wastelands of this world..." As Luke said this statement, Alisa's mind stopped working and these words echoing in her mind over and again. "Alisa, you ok?" Luke asked worriedly. "Bu-but I have been living in this place since my birth. Does that mean..." She can't able to think of anything. "Yeah, it's more likely the case, your mom and your villagers, all were weak, powerless or of no use to those lords..."

"But if they were already thrown away by those lords, where they are now...!? Is there any more level of useless people...!?" She asked worriedly but wanting a positive response. "I am sorry, but as long as I know, they will kill them...once they got useless more than the wastelands people..."

"...!!!" This was the last thing she wanted to hear, "You saying...they all are dead...?" Everything went blank in front of her eyes. "Yes Alisa that's what happened to them, I'm sorry for your loss, but Alisa, you not gonna meet them again..." He couldn't see a beautiful and cheerful girl like Alisa being all broken.

(Somewhere far from the world)

*Huff* *Huff* Alisa was filled with so many emotions together; sadness, anger, broken, weak, and confusion. "Alisa, you ok!? What's happening!? Hey sit down first, please."

(Outside of the room) *Oink* *Oink*' *Woof* *Woof*' "Hey! What happened to these animals and why ... they are out of control!!" Uncle Jackson said horrified as the pigs, dogs, and other animals went berserk all of a sudden. "Maya, go and bring Alisa, only she can handle them just like all these times they went berserk."

Aunt Maya rushed to the room, "Alisa!..." She saw her Alisa was shaking badly while standing and Luke was calming her. "What! What happened to her!!? Alisa!! Hey Alisa, what happened!?" Alisa was still shaking and tears were flowing down her cheeks but we can also see the anger in her eyes.

"What happened here, boy!? Don't tell me, you told her everything!!?" She got worried. "I'm sorry aunt, she is too pure heart I didn't want to lie or hide anything. She deserves the truth about her village after all." He said in a lower voice. Aunt Maya was angry but he wasn't saying anything wrong either she did deserve the truth so she just focused on calming Alisa. But the outside scene was horrible this time comparing others.
"What happened to them this time!? Why does it always come to my mind that they understand her emotions and feel the same way!? But idk what's this time." Uncle Jackson was murmuring to himself but suddenly a dog came to attack him all of a sudden-
"ALISA!" Both Aunt and Luke shouted together and finally, she got her consciousness back. "...!!!" Though after that she bawled her eyes out for hours.

Outside, the dog just stopped, who was about to bite Uncle Jackson and Uncle breathed a sigh of relief and then went to Alisa too, whereas those animals went to their respective places. "What's happening..." He saw Alisa crying loudly hugging Aunt Maya tightly. He went to Luke and took him outside to talk.

"Uncle I'm sorry but I- " he got cut by Uncle Jackson, "It's ok, if not now or by you, she could have heard it by someone or somewhere else so it's ok that we were here for her." He said while looking at the sky. Luke can clearly see that Uncle and Aunt love Alisa too much that they can cry for her too. "You wanna tell me something too? You know you can I will hear that." He said while staring at the sky too beside Jackson.

"Well, she is, unlike her villagers, a magic holder too." "...!!?" He suddenly looks at Jackson and is stunned by those words. "What did you just say!!? No how is this even possible!!?" He has many questions but what Jackson says in reply makes him more confused, "For those answers only you need to take her with you!"

"Are you kidding me!? How-" he got cut by Jackson "Please, Luke, take her with you she needs to open up to learn her true potential and I promise you, she will be a big help to you people in changing the world." He joined his hands and pleaded with Luke. "But she is safe here, with you guys, I don't wanna put her in any danger..." He was worried in spite of taking her with him. But after looking at helpless Jackson he agreed to it.

"Ok fine, I will take her and I promise to protect her at any cost-" he was cut off by Jackson again, "Then let's talk about her so that you won't have any trouble taking care of her." "Wait!!"

Author's POV:-
Here the journey gonna start soon!! Hello everyone this is the chapter. I know it's a little emotional and shocking xD and many questionable!! But trust me every mystery gonna solve in every chapter, well tbh even I don't know xD. Now as always on Sunday only chapters.
Enjoy Bye Bye 👋🏻

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