The Different World's

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This story began when a 15 year old boy had drawn his sword for the first time and he learned to fight. He always won every fight and make people surrender to him and to his religion.

You aimed at the wrong spot, I don't have a heart. Those who have a heart, are never Victorious. They even lose their lives. They die a miserable death, Said Jalal to a man attacking him.

Bairam Khan guidance led him to be the most ruthless man or a ruthless warrior he can be and not to see the people around him neither to believe in humanity for the people of other religion. Bairam Khan used to say, you will succeed only if you become ruthless and create a terror.

Jalal's terror was spreading through Hindustan. Bairam Khan was like father to Jalal yet he was teaching Jalal to establish the reign of terror as Jalal was naive to follow his every order. He wanted to conquer every corner of Hindustan Bairam Khan advice had poisoned Jalal's mind to the extent that he became a cruel and ruthless emperor.

Jalal was known for his cruelty and was becoming more cruel with time. He was reaching his goal without much difficulty. That's how he became "EMPEROR JALALUDDIN MUHAMMAD".

People had begun to remember Jalal's name. His legends were famous far and wide. Jalal who was fond of elephant, had become mighty like an elephant.

Rajput's unity were shaken due to their mutual differences. They would have discussions from dawn till dusk. Their discussion would turn into arguments and the arguments would turn into fight. Questions were answered with more questions. Rajput's were caught in their personal tiffs and had rolled up their sleeves but terrified Rajputs didn't know that they had such a strong weapon which could pierce Akbar's heart, that weapon was none other than "JODHA".

Jodha was princess of Amer, she was as beautiful as poetry. Some people knew her as Harka Bai and some as Heer Kunwar, but we will refer to her as Jodha.
On One hand it was cruelty and power and the other was the brilliance of kindness and love.

Jodha being a girl and importantly a princess she was not allowed to go outside, they were not allowed to cross the gate of palace even but Jodha being unique and breaking every rule and regulations she crossed the gate to protect the life of a pigeon. This was the first time when her parents knew she isn't ordinary neither anything can bound her.

"Tuladaan" was a ritual to perform in the birthday of the princess where the princess will sit on a side of the seesaw and on the other side the gold will be measured  of the princess weight until the princess will be lifted on the sky and the gold will be distributed among the people of the kingdom, which was done in Jodha's birthday and she asked to visit a temple which was far away from her house as a birthday gift from her father.

It was not only Jodha's birthday but her future was going to be decided today, this journey was going to change the course of her destiny. Not just for this day but for the rest of her life. It was the beginning of the first stage of Jodha's story she was not just approaching the temple but her destiny too.

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