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Akbar and Jodha grew very close after their trip to Amer. They both got to know each other. Now they are understanding each other which is a miracle. Ruqaiya is noticing everything but she is not confronting anything because she doesn't want to look bad infront of Akbar. Jodha and Akbar are spending their time with each other giving their bond a chance where afcourse an obstacle was waiting for them, Benazir.

Akbar got to know about the visit of the great singer, Ramtanu sahab in his palace Agra. Akbar and the whole palace were very excited to meet Ramtanu. Akbar threw a party to celebrate his visit. The party was huge and everyone was invited to the party. Ruqaiya was getting ready since the morning for the evening event and not only her but all the womens in Harem are very excited to meet Ramtanu except Jodha because she had absolutely no idea about Ramtanu.

Ramtanu arrived at Agra in the evening, Akbar and everyone greeted him and welcomed him warmly. This was the first meeting of Ramtanu and Jodha and he was mesmerized by her beauty. Ramtanu was stuck at her beauty and he didn't realise that everyone was standing there. After soon chit-chat Akbar started the celebration and Ramtanu took his place and was ready to sing. Everyone was looking at him but his eyes were constantly staring into the brown eyes of Jodha, who was not at all interested to look at him.

Ramtanu began to sing and he dedicated the song to Jodha. Jodha became a fan of his voice because no matter how flirty he is but his voice is amazing. God, himself might have given him the voice to sing because that's the most beautiful voice a man can ever have. Akbar noticed everything and his blood was boiling by looking at the scene. Akbar became very jealous. Akbar was more angry about the fact that Jodha is even enjoying the song of the Ramtanu.

After a mesmerizing performance of Ramtanu sahab everyone left but Akbar was boiling with anger and jealousy running in his veins so he decided to go and talk to Jodha. Akbar was barely walking because he was so jealous that he drank alcohol a little too much and now he is very much intoxicated. Akbar was tripping while walking. Akbar went to Jodha's chamber while Jodha was standing taking off her jewellery and this was the first time Akbar saw Jodha unveiled and his intoxication reached his peak and without saying anything he began traveling towards Jodha.

Akbar was taking a step towards Jodha and Jodha's footsteps were turning backwards to avoid the closeness between them soon Jodha back hit the wall which indicates that their is no more place she can go. Akbar went to Jodha and he closed the distance between them. Akbar's hand were roaming at Jodha's clothes.

Jodha protested Akbar and his anger went over the head so he began forcing himself on Jodha. Jodha tried to protest but Akbar intoxication was not letting him stop. After some time Jodha became frustrated and she jerked Akbar away from herself to take him out of his intoxication. Akbar was too stunned to speak because this was the first time that something like this has happened to him.

Jodha left her and chamber and after some time Akbar processed everything and left her chamber while burning in the fire of rejection. The next morning everyone was talking about Ramtanu and everyone wanted to make him sing again so Akbar again kept a celebration.

Celebration started soon. Akbar and Ruqaiya were sitting in the throne while a seat beside Akbar was vacant. Soon a girl came into view doing belly dance. Ramtanu stopped singing when he saw her. The girl unveiled her face and beautiful is an understatement for her to describe.

'I welcome you to this celebration my precious darling, Benazir. I have kept a seat for you because you deserve this and I will give you everything you deserve.' Akbar said while patting in the empty seat signalling Benazir to seat which she did but this all was okay because when Jodha saw Akbar has an empty seat beside him so she thought Akbar will call her to seat because Ruqaiya and Jodha are his two wives to be in demand for celebration. Jodha stood to walk and take her place beside Akbar but when she heard what Akbar said she was rooted to her place feeling dejected.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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