The Traitor

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Jodha went to Rahim to narrate him a story who was playing alone in a corner. Jodha asked him that he wants to listen to a story or not which he nodded in a yes and they went to Jodha's chamber and there he listened the story.

Akbar was silently watching that how Rahim and Jodha's bonding is increasing and Jodha's is so gentle towards him like he is her own child because Jodha has also considered Salima as her sister.

After listening to the story Rahim asked that, "where were you yesterday at this time?"

Jodha said that, 'a cruel man had caged her and her brothers so she was not able to say him a story.'

Rahim said that, "you should have said that to the emperor as he is so powerful he would have uncaged you in a second."

Jodha said that, "the person who caged you is never the person to uncage you and this cage is not normal this cage has no emotions, manners or anything it's just have cruelty because the owner owns the cruelty of this whole world."

Rahim left and saw that Akbar was listening to their conversation and was fuming in anger after listening Jodha's word but he didn't say a word. Jodha extended that, 'his name should be "Jalad" instead of "Jalal"." (jalad is cruelty)

Akbar wanted to enter Jodha's chamber but he left without saying a word and not letting Jodha know that he was there, Jodha wouldn't have cared if he listened or not. Akbar was searching all whole day but there was no evidence, no proof, nothing.

Jodha was very curious that who did this to her and Salima. Akbar was covering up on everything but he missed the main lead, Rahim. Rahim is the only who knows something.

Before Jodha could go to Rahim. Rahim himself came to her holding the same bottle. Jodha asked him that, "where this bottle came from? Your highness has taken away your bottle from you." Rahim said that, "he has two of this bottle." Jodha asked him further but Rahim was in a terror he didn't say anything but eventually he did as Jodha is perfect at everything.

Rahim said Jodha that he once saw that Maham Anga entered his mom's chamber hiding. She couldn't see Rahim as Rahim was hiding while playing hide and seek with the helper. Maham Anga didn't saw Rahim but Rahim saw everything that Maham Anga is the one who kept the bottle at Salima's chamber.

Jodha wanted to go to her right away and ask her why she did this but she needed evidence because she is Maham Anga and the emperor's mother so to put an allegation on her and to say her that she is the traitor who did this, Jodha needs solid proof which she couldn't deny.

Jodha asked Rahim to say the truth to the emperor so that they could find the intention of the culprit. Rahim didn't wanted to talk to emperor because of his terror but Jodha convinced him as his mother is also blamed for all this and his brother/sister who was about to born was killed, this made Rahim agree but he was still in fear of the emperor.

Jodha went to Akbar. Akbar was really happy that Jodha's anger is gone now she is coming to him so he has to do nothing. But Jodha was not changed, she was the same with the same tone, same words, not making eye contact with him neither facing him while talking. Akbar thought that everything was sorted but he forgot that she is Jodha not any of his other wives who could not stay away from him.

Jodha asked Rahim to say everything but Rahim did not say anything instead when he was infront of the emperor he was so much in fear that he was holding Jodha for his life and by seeing this Jodha took him away from Akbar but thankfully Jodha has said nothing so Akbar thought it was not that important.

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