Tiger And Akbar

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After their visit to the Ajmer Sharif, Akbar was planning to go for hunt which one of his hobbies which he enjoys the most. Once Akbar and Ruqaiya went for the hunt with Jodha and Ruqaiya was about to kill a deer when Jodha shot and Ruqaiya missed her Target. Jodha is perfect at everything that's why she did it without being noticed and saved the deer's life.

Akbar was going for the hunt and was forcing Jodha to come along although she denied and said she was against of all this because she believed killing an innocent can never give you happiness but still Akbar forced her accompany him and being his wife Jodha can not deny her husband's order or wish so she went with Akbar.

Akbar and Jodha were silently entering the forest and were quarrelling because both of them have different thinking and thoughts suddenly it was windy and nothing was visible and a tiger showed up infront of Jodha. Akbar was firing but the musket was not doing so because when Akbar was drinking water in the forest Jodha took the gun powder out of the musket because she thought Akbar will kill the innocent deer.

Jodha was still because if she moved from her place there's no way she will be alive but Akbar threw a stone to catch the tiger's attention towards him. The tiger attacked Akbar while Jodha was trying to lit up fire by rubbing two stones. Akbar and the tiger were fighting and Akbar was fighting bare handedly against the tiger.

Tiger caused major damages to Akbar but the tiger even died because Akbar killed him a sharp stone which Jodha gave him. Akbar fell to ground with his wounds. There's no way he will live because his wounds were so deep and even his face wounded. It started raining and Akbar gave up on living but Jodha didn't.

Akbar said," I am not sad because I am dying but I am sad because of the way I wish this was a battlefield and I would have died with my pride. I don't want to go and see my wives wear white because they are widows and my dearly ones cry let me die here peacefully Jodha Begum."

Jodha has a hope so she was trying to carry Akbar which he denied and said," In order to live in the forest the tiger has to kill and show his power so that he will be the king but being the king he will die alone because that's the price for being king."

Jodha replied," No matter he is the king of the jungle but because of this he is always alone. I am afraid that if everyone will fear you then how will anyone be there for you."

Akbar was trying to reply but Jodha did not let him as speaking in this condition can cause his life and Jodha was looking everywhere to find something then she found a horse and then she tied Akbar at her back and went to the camp.

Everyone was already there because everyone has informed Akbar's family that he is missing and when they saw Akbar and this state with Jodha everyone was shocked. They were loss at words. Everybody rushed and picked Akbar and called the doctor. Salima, Queen Hamida, Jiji Anga and everyone was there except Ruqaiya.

Everyone was planning not to stay anything to Ruqaiya but Jodha insisted to say her as she is Akbar's wife and his friend. When Ruqaiya knew about this she rushed to the place and when she saw Jodha she slapped her and accused her for killing her husband.

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