Happiness of Ruqaiya

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Akbar had to leave Ruqaiya for some incomplete work at night and Ruqaiya decided to show Jodha her place where she needs to be and went to Jodha's chamber. Jodha was sleeping unlike the Mughals she had a proper timing for everything and she followed it very strictly and was sleeping accordingly.

Jodha was having a dream but a nightmare for her because in her nightmare Akbar came to her while she was sleeping and forced himself on her which made her disgusted to him, she wanted to go but could not before having a proper ending to her nightmare Ruqaiya broke it by coming to her chamber and threw her blanket away which was covered on her.

Ruqaiya threw herself on Jodha's bed like it's her bed not Jodha's. She wanted Jodha to be in her shoes. She misjudged Jodha as the other wives of Akbar and thought that Jodha wanted Akbar so that she will the favourite wife and have the power and own Akbar. Ruqaiya said to Jodha, surrender infront of me and I will let you have Akbar for once or twice a week until he is over you, I own my emperor mind he is not thinking of you, he does not want you and doesn't care but if you surrender I can make a miracle and let you have him, just surrender.

She thought Jodha will surrender infront of her to have Akbar and she will have the power but Jodha replied, I surrender infront of you. Ruqaiya was satisfied after listening that but to shock her Jodha repeated herself, I surrender infront of you but if you keep your words, make sure that your emperor doesn't come near to me, do not touches me, don't glance at me, you said you own his mind right? So make sure he doesn't even think about me, make sure that he doesn't even know that I exist and I will surrender infront of you.

Maham Anga and Ruqaiya were supposed to meet to make a plan to make Jodha get out of Harem, Agra and most importantly Akbar's life. Ruqaiya entered with a huge smile and started laughing and said the whole conversation of her and Jodha to Maham Anga  although Ruqaiya was sure and secured that Jodha will never snatch Akbar from her Maham Anga was still unsure and unsecured that she is still a Rajput and she doesn't want her to stay, she wanted Jodha to leave Agra as soon as possible no matter she wants Akbar or not.

Ruqaiya was waiting for Akbar to come back to her after his work. Akbar came back after completing his work but Ruqaiya was changed, Ruqaiya was not the previous where he left her this time Ruqaiya had a huge smile which was stretched from her one cheek to the another cheek which made Akbar really happy so he didn't ask the reason instead he joined her in her happiness.

Although Akbar did not ask her the reason behind her happiness but she said it to him because Akbar was the emperor and her husband whom she loves the most and also her childhood bestfriend from whom she can never keep any secrets from him.

Ruqaiya said that Jodha is dumb but according to Akbar she is the most intelligent person he ever came across and Akbar said to convey him everything which Ruqaiya did. She said that, Jodha is dumb because she is the only one wife of Akbar who doesn't want Akbar she said me to keep you away from her, she does not want you to touch her, think of her, glance at her and she wanted you forget about her existence.

While Ruqaiya was happy from all this but this made Akbar angry as everyone wants him even for second could do but not Jodha by seeing Jodha's beauty he wanted to have her no matter what, now he couldn't have her even though she is his wife. Still, this made Akbar hurt his ego and was angry and disappointed. No one has ever rejected him and this rejection was something he could not take or the emperor could not take.

After listening to this Akbar was not listening to a word which Ruqaiya was saying, it made Akbar mind numb and he left Ruqaiya chamber while traveling towards Jodha's chamber. He wanted an explanation he wanted to show her that an emperor could get anything if he wants to.

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