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Akbar was walking in the palace to find out who can possibly do such a thing but his brain has stopped from working because ever question he raised was leading to another question but was not solving the problem or giving any solution.

Akbar saw Jodha was tensed while he has walking through the pool, the other side Jodha was in a deep thinking. Akbar went there and sat beside her but still she didn't knew.

Akbar said, " Queen Jodha, what are you thinking of now?"

Jodha was shocked that the emperor is beside her sitting but she didn't knew. She got up and was going without saying anything to Akbar, Akbar said that, " no matter how much angry you are, you are the only one to talk if you want to talk me because I will never do anything for you, I am not sorry because an emperor has to make some decisions whether it's his family or a stranger."

Jodha was silent because she knew that Akbar had forgotten that she is his wife but Jodha can not forget that he is her husband but after listening that he is not sorry and comparing his wife to a stranger made Jodha normal because you can be angry on someone if you have right to.

Jodha said, " I do not want your sorry, Your Highness. I am neither angry this is who I am only because a stranger can not sit with the emperor and have a conversation. If you are not sorry it's ok because I am dying to talk with you because I even forgot that I have any husband who will take stand for me infront of everyone. Your Highness please do not show your kindness to a stranger by worrying for me please show it to your other wives who are dying for it." Jodha left completing herself.

Akbar said in his heart that, " you are not dying to talk to me Queen Jodha but I am." Jodha did not have the ability to read minds so if he will say it to Jodha then there's no way she will know anything and Jodha knew nothing so she was just heartbroken that for what deeds she did that this is her fate and this man is her husband.

Rahim was playing but when he has Akbar he was silently leaving but when Akbar saw Rahim he wanted to talk with him because they haven't talk because of this all and the last time Akbar shouted at him so wanted to say sorry.

Akbar called Rahim and he came to him fearfully like the emperor is going to kill him. He went to Akbar and stood infront of him but was looking down so that he doesn't have to see Akbar and will not be frightened by him. Akbar noticed everything and said sorry for his behaviour although it was hard for Rahim to accept but he did by seeing the situation.

While they both were talking Akbar asked Rahim that, 'why you and mother Jodha came to me at the morning?'
Rahim replied that, " mother Jodha said me to tell you the truth that I saw Maham Anga keeping the bottle in my mother's chamber but because I was frightened of you so that I couldn't say anything infront of you and if mother Jodha would have said you anything you wouldn't have believed her."

Akbar was going towards Maham Anga but he saw Jodha and he wanted to know that why Jodha didn't say her anything. Akbar approached Jodha and took her to a side of the palace so that no one could listen them because now Akbar trusts nobody.

Akbar said that, " why Queen Jodha? Why you didn't say me anything? If you would have said this earlier so that I would not be looking for the traitor who is right infront of me rather than looking everywhere crazily."

Jodha sai that, " I was looking for evidence so that she could not deny and the evidence is especially for you because Your Highness, I believe in facts and evidences rather than just putting allegations and being sorry for it because you can never recreate the same thing which you have broken maybe better maybe worst but never the same so I didn't said it to you because I don't know you and I don't trust everyone."

Jodha AkbarWhere stories live. Discover now