Bursting Of Bubble

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Everyone was delighted by listening the good news especially Akbar. Ruqaiya gained her consciousness and she was shocked to know that she is pregnant she was very happy to know that she is expecting a baby because of her past she has been pregnant many times but there would be a miscarriage each and every time.

Akbar came to congratulate Ruqaiya and were sitting to each other, hugging and spent time together.

Everyone was busy for the celebration of Akbar becoming father and Ruqaiya's pregnancy while Jodha and Queen Hamida were talking about Ruqaiya's baby and Queen Hamida noticed that Jodha's hatred towards Akbar is not the same while she spoke to her.

Queen Hamida asked Jodha the reason for her changing hatred towards Akbar which she clearly denied and said that she still hate Akbar that much although she kept denying but Queen Hamida knew that there is a change because she is also Jodha's mother and children can lie to themselves and to the whole world but not to their mother because a mother knows everything.

Queen Hamida was really happy seeing this and has hopeful that soon there hatred will change into love and they will be the most lovable couple. Queen Hamida was not only  the one to want this, deep inside in the heart of Akbar and Jodha they both wanted each other but will not say.

There was a huge celebration for Ruqaiya, Akbar and their baby. Everyone was giving gifts to Ruqaiya where Jodha entered wearing a red dress and it was her favourite colour although Akbar should give importance to Ruqaiya but he was just adoring Jodha and her beauty. Ruqaiya was so happy that she barely noticed anything. Jodha gifted a very cute baby set which Ruqaiya was very happy to see and she hugged Jodha for the first time.

Everyone eyes were wide opened after seeing this, no one could believe their eyes but eventually they did. The one who was mostly shocked by this whole incident was Akbar, he can barely say anything after that. He was too stunned to speak.

Everyone was celebrating and Jodha was not enjoying as she was too busy to enjoy because she was supervising everything. Akbar noticed everything and made Jodha sit and enjoy the celebration.

Jodha said," I have a lot of work to do and I cannot bear anyone do any mistakes, I need my things to be perfect so that no one can say anything about the celebration."

Akbar replied, " I know Queen Jodha you are very capable of handling everything alone but do not stress yourself for anything, everything is over. No one is saying anything so now stop every work and just enjoy."

Jodha listened to Akbar and was enjoying to the celebration but when Akbar was constantly looking at her only, approaching her, caring for her and his every gesture denoted only towards Jodha made Jodha very conscious and she started ignoring Akbar because she wanted Akbar to take care of Ruqaiya at this beautiful phase and not to distract not even by her.

Akbar noticed that Jodha is ignoring him but the emperor being stubborn he kept doing everything and suddenly he noticed that Jodha left the celebration. Jodha was unable to ignore him so she decided to leave the celebration but she thought it going to lead a lot of controversy so she returned and when Akbar saw her he again did everything and suddenly Ruqaiya fainted.

Everyone was tensed and thought it was just a symptom of pregnancy but all of sudden doctor came and said that Ruqaiya had a miscarriage.

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