Conspiracy Against Jodha

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Everyone was devastated to know that Ruqaiya had a miscarriage. Especially Akbar and Ruqaiya they were broken after this news. Doctor informed everyone that it was not a miscarriage some knowingly had done this to Ruqaiya as the baby was very healthy and Ruqaiya was also disease free so this is definitely not a miscarriage but a conspiracy.

Not even a second after Akbar's sadness turned into anger, he wanted the person to be imprisoned as soon as possible, the person should know that he has messed up with the emperor. Akbar ordered his soldiers to search the entire palace and if they find anything suspicious then directly come to him.

Ruqaiya was relying on Akbar in her pain and Akbar was relying on Jodha in his pain. There was a triangle going on but at that time it's was important to find the traitor who did this to the emperor as no outsider had messed up with the food or drink and this is due to the things Ruqaiya has consumed on the celebration.

Soldiers were searching each and every corner of the palace and destroying everything in order to find something suspicious but when they were searching they found a bottle of some kind of medicine and immediately went to Akbar and gave it to him.

Akbar examined the bottle by the doctor and doctor said that this is the poison of Ruqaiya's baby. Akbar was happy to know that he caught the culprit but in order to examine it he forgot to ask the name of the traitor so he went to the soldier and asked where they found this bottle from? Whose chamber? Where?

The soldiers were silent as if they can't speak. When Akbar asked them threatening to their lives they fearfully replied that they found this from "Queen Jodha's chamber" this was it, the part which was unbroken in Akbar was totally broken he was shattered. He was not believing it and said that if the soldiers are lying to him then this lie will cost there lives but they remain still at their words.

Akbar summoned Jodha to the court and put an allegations over her that she is one who killed his baby. Akbar said, I thought you were kind, nice and have the every beauty possible in this world but you are not even human Queen Jodha. Whatever you have done to me and Ruqaiya is unforgivable when I saw you leaving the celebration I thought you are leaving because of something else but I never knew that you are planning this behind my back for me. There shall be no explanations of anything from now I restrict everyone from calling you Queen as you are not worth it. I, JALALUDDIN MUHAMMAD, the emperor of Mughal dynasty is punishing you for your act of killing a innocent unborn child of the emperor with the punishment of imprisonment till death.

Jodha was shocked, she couldn't believe her whole world turned upside down in a minute without her doing nothing wrong. Jodha tried to give explanation. She was praying to listen her for once but no one did. She was innocent but everyone made her guilty. Her husband was the one to not to listen her once and decided to summon to the court and punished her directly. Jodha had full faith in her Krishna that her lord Krishna will never do anything wrong to her so she decided to not to say anyone anything as there is no one who will listen her and understand her.

After all this Jodha was in prison and was crying and wanted a chance to prove her innocence which no one listened. Jodha was in a conclusion that this the real side of Akbar, the emperor and her husband. There is no such soft, kind side it was just Jodha's eyes were flawed. Now she would rather die than accepting this husband who was never her husband.

Jodha believed that all the things he did was just an act. He did all this to have Jodha so that Jodha can not face herself. Akbar did this to Jodha but Jodha was still thinking that who did this with them and now she will find out who did this and blamed her.

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