Jodha's future

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Jalal kept following Jodha till they reached the place where the ritual of the Gangaur was held. Jalal was following her with a smile on his face as if there is some sort of attachment was pulling him towards her. He forgot everything and was just concentrated on Jodha.

The guard blocked the way of King Suryabhan while he was trying to enter as no man was allowed but he was the king of Bhanpur and no one can stop a king from going anywhere, they left him and while Jalal was entering they blocked his way but Jalal took the advantage of King Suryabhan and said he was with king Suryabhan so that they will allow him to go which they did.

Queen Mainavati was repeating the process of the ritual as Jodha was getting married soon. It is said that when you float the lamp in the water you are able to see your future and she said to float the lamp and while floating the lamp whoever reflection you see in the water with yourself is the future of yours and he will be your husband.

Goddess Gangaur, please tell me what is my destiny? Jodha asked.

At the time of this ritual Jalal and King Suryabhan both were standing beside Jodha but when Jodha floated the lamp there was a reflection of Jalal but not King Suryabhan who was more near to Jodha rather than Jalal. This incident was the proof that the nature was giving sign to both of them that they are made for each other.

Jalal can not detach from Jodha so he went to the Jodha's palace as her guard to be with Jodha and to see her everytime and also to imprison his loyal man which was in prison at Jodha's palace. When Jodha saw a Mughal was prisoned, she went to talk to him and she let all the anger out. Jodha said that she wants Jalal to beheaded, who stole Goddess ornaments. She considered him as a coward. She didn't even considered him as a human and irony part was when she was saying all this about Jalal Akbar he himself was listening and was more attracted to Jodha by her honesty and bravery but her statement made Akbar furious and now he wants to teach Jodha a lesson.

When Jodha was taking to the prisoner she noticed Jalal standing there as her guard she pointed a sword towards his neck and asked that what was he doing at the gangaur ritual which he replied that he was guarding her and Jodha believed her.

Akbar imprisoned the Mughal man and he even wrote a message on the wall.

We'll meet again at the battlefield , JALALUDDIN MUHAMMAD.

The guard tried to stop him but he was more than efficient as he ascended the throne in a small age and he learnt everything from Bairam Khan to be a great warrior.

Akbar wasn't educated but he had made Abdul (the Mughal prisoned man) write his intention on the wall but that was not enough for him. He wasn't able to forget how Jodha had pointed the sword at him, now he had only one wish he wanted to bring Jodha to his harem(house).

Soon it was discovered that Bairam Khan whom Akbar considered him as his father was betraying him and was just using Akbar as his game to establish his rule, Akbar was filled with sorrow and he decided that not to trust anyone as no one is worth it.

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