Anga's Fear

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While Jodha and Akbar were visiting the temple, Maham Anga and Adam Khan had no idea that Akbar was accompanying Jodha to a temple. Anga's maid, Resham gave her the news of Akbar is in temple with Jodha, before Maham Anga could say anything Adam Khan started to badmouth Jodha so Maham Anga made Resham leave their chamber.

"How many times have I said you to not to say such things and now when we are in Amer these things should not come to your mind even Adam" Maham Anga said while holding Adam Khan hands so that he will look at her. 'But what does Jodha have that all are crazy about her and now the Majesty is even mad' Adam Khan said intoxicated  "Stop it Adam" Anga said to get a grip on Adam but he was so intoxicated that he shook his hand which made Anga fall on the ground and said 'Ammi I can see you loosing your place and your power because if Akbar went to a temple for Jodha then he can definitely do anything which she says him to do and you are first on her hit list.'

Adam Khan left the chamber to get some more intoxication but Maham Anga was still on the ground processing the words that Adam uttered although she had confidence in Akbar that he could never do such a thing to her but if he can go to a temple for Jodha then there's no guarantee.

Anga was angry, frustrated and feeling every emotion of loosing her power for Jodha when Resham again came to her to inform that Jodha and Akbar are back from the temple so without wasting any time Maham Anga went to Jodha being a fireball ready to spit fire and destroy her but little did she know that fire is nothing infront of the volcano which was ready to burst because of remembering her past.

Maham Anga entered Jodha's chamber without any notice so Jodha was startled by her actions and she said, "Pranam Maham Anga" (Greetings) without letting Jodha speak further Maham Anga started to spit nonsense 'I said you to be a good wife Queen Jodha not to manipulate Akbar and make him go to your temple. What do you think of yourself Queen Jodha that whatever you will say and we will follow you like your dog, Akbar can do this but not me I can see your true self which is anything but not innocent and naive. You are clever as a fox and one day I will prove that and will make you leave Agra.'

As soon as Maham Anga turned to leave the chamber but Jodha had enough for today first Akbar then Maham Anga so she decided to make them get a taste of their own medicine so she stood infront of the door of her chamber, blocking the way so that Maham Anga couldn't leave. Anga started to say something but Jodha stopped her by showing her hand to stop and said, "I don't know if I am good wife or not but I cannot forget my duty unlike you and being a wife my duty is to support my husband's decision and not question him. He decided to visit the temple not me, I wanted to go alone but he insisted and being his wife I cannot question him but you can, although you are not his biological mother but still you are his mother somehow so you have the right to question him and he is bound to answer you and secondly I never said that I am innocent and naive because if I was then I can never live in this world being a princess of Amer and Queen of Agra. If I am staying under the same roof with you and meeting you regularly so I am definitely not naive if a person just looks at you he/she may loose it in second because you are the most dangerous clever person ever."

Maham Anga became more angry at Jodha's word but Jodha further said, " Rekha, show Maham Anga the way to shehnshah's chamber, she is new here and most importantly she is so naive that she might get lost in the way and there are so many hunters in our palace looking for good souls and Maham Anga has the greatest soul ever so she needs utmost security." Before Maham Anga could reply she didn't realise when she was out of Jodha's chamber and Jodha closed the door in front of her face to give her reality check she needed.

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