Akbar's Confusion

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Akbar said Jodha to send message to her brother that, " until when we will be in Amer everytime you will make food for mr by yourself because now I am acquainted with spices and spicy food."

When Jodha first came to Agra when she married Akbar, there is a ritual of 'pehli rasoi' which refers to when the new bride makes something sweet and first she offers it to the God then she gives it to everyone. Although Jodha couldn't do her pehli rasoi as she was not allowed to cook because she is a Queen and being Queen she needs to follow the fine line. Later Jodha was missing her spicy food so she decided to cook and after she completed the cooking Akbar took the first bite and became a dragon because it was too spicy for him to handle and he gulped a whole jar of water and after that Jodha had never cooked neither Akbar had eaten anything from her.

Jodha was shocked to hear that Akbar wanted her to cook his every meal but she couldn't think more because she was getting late to pack her things and gifts. This is the first time Jodha is going to Amer after her marriage along with her in-laws but she was more excited because of Sukanya's wedding.

After Jodha left Akbar's chamber Akbar again looked at the mirror and suddenly disappointment came across his face because he saw the medicine and disappointed that he missed the golden chance to let Jodha apply the medicine on his face but he was not that much disappointed because there will be so many chances like this in Amer.

Maham Anga was planning to stop Akbar from going to Amer so she manipulated Ruqaiya and Ruqaiya was already insecure of losing Akbar and now that Akbar is going to Amer and this all manipulation she was all crazy.

She went to speak to Akbar where she firstly insulted Jodha and badmouthed about her but then she praised her for giving medicine to Akbar to apply it on his scar but before she could say something the guards came in for the arrangement and their conversation was incomplete. Akbar was very confused and he couldn't understand any of her wives neither any women.

Ruqaiya went to Akbar's chamber at night where Akbar was drinking alcohol, she went and stood next to him. Akbar was very confused because he was changing day by day after Jodha came to Agra. He slowly started to notice the changes in him and he was shocked because he has so many wives but this never happened to him.

Akbar was not listening but Ruqaiya was also not ready to give up. She was listing the disadvantage of him going to Amer and the important thing is his life is unsafe there and he was not fully recovered. Ruqaiya did everything to stop Akbar from going but still Akbar was willing to go where Ruqaiya because angry and asked him the reason for going there.

"Love. I love Jodha Begum. I love her so much that I cannot live without her not even one week so I am accompanying her so that I can see her everytime without any reason and she could not fight their because of her parents and at last she will do everything I will say her to do." Akbar said not facing Ruqaiya, concentrating on the alcohol.

Ruqaiya was shocked to listen the statement she fell to the ground after listening to this statement. Her feeling of insecure was true and she was disheartened. Her tears were falling from her black eyes but before she could cry more and become more sad Akbar giggled because he was teasing Ruqaiya.

" I am the one to make this alliance and if I will not be present there then this will be not sign for my pride and moreover I am the chief guest of this wedding. I want every rajput to honour me, respect me and they will be under me. They can never forget I did such a thing for them in their need. I am just going to see them bowing down infront of me."

Ruqaiya was relieved. The first statement made her so uncomfortable but the second one assured her. She couldn't stop Akbar from going after listening to his statement but she denied to go Amer with them because Amer is Jodha's parents house which she will never go.

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