Blot In The Rajput Caste

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Akbar and Jodha were going for the first time out of Agra to the mosque, Ajmer Sharif as a married couple. None of them knew that this journey to Ajmer Sharif will change their course of story. Both of them were going together but they didn't wanted to be with each other. They were going against their will.

Queen Hamida said, "I do not need to say you because you already know and fulfill your responsibilities but still I will remind you to take care of Queen Jodha as this her first time going with you to the Ajmer Sharif."

Everyone bid farewell to Jodha and Akbar and they went with a huge security for safety. Ruqaiya was very insecure to see Jodha going to Ajmer Sharif with Akbar. Ruqaiya was going crazy to make Jodha teach a lesson so that she will never come in between her and Akbar.

The journey to Ajmer Sharif if of two days si they stayed at a place and put their camp for resting. Jodha was very uncomfortable because she did not saw Akbar's tent so she thought that he will be staying with her the night but Akbar cleared her misunderstanding by showing her his tent. They both never agree on anything except two thing, that is seeing each other's face and sharing a roof.

Everybody was about to sleep when Akbar noticed some movement and saw a man entering their tents and he was not of their security so he signalled the guards to caught him and he asked that, why is he there?

The man angrily said that," I am a man of that soil whose princess you are married to. King Bharmal and princess Jodha are not Rajput's they are a blot in the name of Rajput's. I want to kill Jodha to erase the negativity and establish the pride of Rajput again." When Akbar threatened to kill him he pulled something from his pocket and was about to drink but Akbar threw it.

Akbar raised his sword to kill him but Jodha stopped him saying that, " we are going for a pilgrimage. Killing someone will never give you peace instead our journey to the Ajmer Sharif will not be meaningful. While visiting such a holy place we should be kind, helpful and should have some humanity instead of harsh,rude and cruel."

Akbar replied furiously, " no matter what you say no one is allowed to insult my wife although we don't have such a relation but no one has the right the do so." Akbar said his guard to prison the man.

Jodha said, " the man was not wrong though. You have already snatched everything from me and my family. We are really blot in the name of Rajput's. Because I am your wife no one is ready to marry Sukanya, because of you I can suffer as I am your wife I have no choice but why my sister should suffer. It is better to die rather than living such a pathetic life being your wife."

Akbar guard said him that," Your Highness, you are in danger that you always are but Queen Jodha is also in danger because she is the princess of Amer."

Akbar is always is in danger because he is an emperor, danger is part of his life but he couldn't put Jodha's life at danger. Jodha is not in a state where she will fight for her life but she will let anyone kill her and it will lead to guilt for Akbar's whole life so he decided to stay in Jodha's tent to protect her.

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