King Pratap's Dilemma

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As Sukanya was getting married so King Bharmal has to invite everyone to her daughter's wedding. King Bharmal's mother who was more Jodha's grandmother came to ask that King Bharmal has invited King Pratap Singh or not which King Bharmal denied because King Pratap Singh has already disrespected them and didn't came to help them and now at Sukanya's wedding Akbar will be their as chief guest in the wedding and there are absolute chances of them fighting and this will never lead to a peaceful wedding.

Although King Bharmal was right but his mother was also not wrong, she said King Bharmal to give an invitation to King Pratap because Pratap is a king now but before when we were at good terms he was a kid infront of me running from here to there. King Pratap's father has helped us so many times and our daughter are in their house as their daughter-in-law so if you will not invite them then this will never be a proud moment for Amer instead a moment of shame that in the wedding of one daughter the other daughters couldn't join us, they can not participate in our joy and enjoyment.

King Bharmal invited King Pratap and sent him an invitation while King Bharmal's mother gave a letter to their daughters which were wedded their and invited them to their sister's wedding. She couldn't invite them in Jodha's wedding because of the war and she was marrying a Mughal, their enemy so she invited them in Sukanya's wedding who was marrying a Rajput and there's no reason that they will be not be a part of it.

King Pratap was in a dilemma because he got invitation from both the sides, one from Sukanya's side and one from her groom's side so he couldn't decide where to go. Although King Bharmal elder daughter, Jodha married the emperor of the Mughals and Amer made an alliance with Mughals who are their enemies but still he has a responsibility towards them because his aunts and his father had a great alliance with Amer but he also couldn't unsee that they have an alliance with their enemies.

King Pratap was very confused that he should go from which side to attend the wedding. The people, his guards and everyone was just giving him more confusion but not giving an answer and putting an end to the confusion. The chief guard said him to go from the groom's side and attack Akbar while he will be in wedding but Pratap denied because a Rajput can never stab you from the back, rather than stabbing from the back they prefer being beheaded infront and secondly Akbar is coming for the wedding not for any war so there will be ladies who will also get killed so there's no way he will do this.

Everyone was suggesting some bad plans and ideas maybe their last brain cell is also not working so Pratap decided to go his guru ( His teacher more like a guide). Pratap Blindly trusts him because he thinks his guru can not do any wrong to him and he went to his guru with his problem. While their meeting Pratap said him the whole situation and his point of view and he suggested to go from Sukanya's side which he was surprised and was in a disbelief that his guru said that to him.

Even after his suggestion he was still questioning whether to go or not but his guru gave him an explanation to put an end to his confusion. He said that if Pratap will go from Sukanya's side then his responsibility will be done and he can also know Akbar so that he can defeat Akbar in war. Pratap was overconfident about him winning against the Mughals but his guru advised him to come to the ground because overconfidence will never let you win but it will kill you and secondly keep your friends close but your enemy closer so that you will know him and his move and you can defeat him.

This was the explanation and answer required for him to go the wedding from Sukanya's side and he decided to go. He reached Amer where he saw Akbar was already there. King Bharmal and everyone greeted and welcomed him very nicely while he insulted them the moment he entered.

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