The Bitter Truth

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Jodha was so delighted that her brothers were coming back. Amer was filled with happiness and joy. This was the time to enjoy so all the people went to place to enjoy and celebrate the come back of the prisoners, who were prisoned by Sharifuddin.

Everybody celibrated and enjoyed while Jodha, Queen Mainavati and the ladies welcomed all by doing Aarti and they danced and played a variety of game but in between the enjoyment there was a attack on the place and Jodha thought that Akbar is attacking them but her family members didn't believe her she was astonished as it was the first that they all were not believing her.

Meanwhile they all fought and Amer won the battle but still it was unidentified that was  behind this war and what his intentions behind? and why has he doing that?

Jodha asked her family members that how are they so sure that Akbar is not behind this attack and her father responded her with a guilt on his face that Akbar can not attack his in-laws. This phrase made Jodha puzzled and she couldn't what was her father trying to say.

There was an unbreakable silence and nobody wanted to break it.

Queen Mainavati came forward to break the silence and said that Akbar had returned us all at the cost of her, Akbar wanted Jodha as his wife in return of Amer and His father had already accepted the proposal.

Jodha was broken. She didn't want to believe her ears. She couldn't believe that her own family did such thing to her. Although denying couldn't replace the reality but it will give a moment of fake relief. As usual the Denial phase didn't last long after seeing everyone's stressful faces she realised that no one was joking and it was not an nightmare but she hoped that it would.

After King Suryabhan's death Jodha did not wanted to marry anyone but irrespective of her decision and mourn towards King Suryabhan her family threw into a fire pit and sacrificed her to save everyone else.

She did not knew what to do and she denied to marry Akbar but her family did not gave her an option they declared their decision and as King Bharmal has already said that Jodha will marry Akbar he can't back off as a King can never deny his promises or words that he has given to someone.

Jodha family was pestering her to marry Akbar. They were emotionally blackmailing her and were forcing her to marry as they were not in position to deny the marriage. This alliance is the only one source of their survival and if she denied they will again prison her brothers and they will lose Amer along with their pride.

Jodha could not deny her parents as she did not want all this to happen because of her and she could have never forgiven herself for this but she can never marry Akbar so she decided that she will accept the marriage but she will do something that Akbar, himself will deny to marry Jodha.

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