Jalal Attacked on Amer

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When Amer was under attack Sujamal joined the Mughal and attacked Amer, King Bharmal and his sons were planning to kill as Sujamal was a traitor they won't hesitate to kill him and they started the war.

King Suryabhan died while fighting with the Mughals and Jodha was depressed to hear the news but she didn't lose her hope of winning from the Mughals.

Sharifuddin was the leading the Mughals group who were attacking Amer.

After awhile Sharifuddin won the battle and Jodha three brothers were in prison of the Mughals and as the Mughals won the battle they demanded gold, money, beauty, luxury and everything from Amer.

Jodha one brother was left undefeated and he was discussing with his parents to wether continue the war or surrender where Jodha denied and she believed no matter what they will die, rather than dying without pride she preferred to die with her pride and suggested to fight with the Mughals.

Queen Mainavati objected because she didn't want to see her daughter-in-law's becoming widow and she didn't want to lose her children and war is not prosperous for the people as everyone will lose their dearly ones, women will become widows, children will lose their father, families will be shattered and the women's would die rather than accepting the Mughals and letting them touch.

Sharifuddin wanted Jodha as she was so beautiful that every man wanted her.

Once king Bharmal saved a Mughals life who was Chugtai Khan and he was working with Akbar and when he knew about the state of Amer he went to Amer to console King Bharmal as he saved his life and this is his chance to repay him.

Chugtai Khan knew that only Jalal could save King Bharmal and Amer and he also knew that it is not going to be easy to convince King Bharmal to seek help from Akbar as he was his enemy but he didn't think much about it and arrived Amer and suggested King Bharmal to seek help from Akbar as no one can save Amer or his sons from Sharifuddin.

King Bharmal pride didn't let him do that at first but after considering the situation he agreed to atleast meet Akbar once and to sort out everything so that everything will be in peace and normal as before.

Chugtai Khan fixed a meeting of Akbar and King Bharmal to discuss over the topic.

Jodha was confident that her father will bring her brother back and no matter what their family will not be shattered. She didn't knew that her father is going to meet Akbar as she hates her so much that her father thought it will be convenient not to tell Jodha about meeting Akbar.

In the hope of getting her brother back she imprisoned the parrot which she liked the most because she believed that love cannot be prisoned, love refers to freedom but Akbar  prisoned even more birds because he believed that every beauty should be prisoned because if you gave it freedom it will run away from you and will never come back.

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