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Akbar was defeated, JALALUDDIN MUHAMMAD who has been defeated has lost and he is not even angry about it instead he starts smiling while smirking because Jodha has left but her beautiful complexion was still revolving in Akbar's mind. Now Jodha is everywhere, where his eyes reach he finds Jodha there. Instead of leaving he starts to fight again with the soldiers who were fighting with Jodha and she defeated all of them.

Jodha washed up and dresses as a Queen with her heavy clothes, heavy jewellery and more of her beauty with innocence in her eyes, kindness in her behaviour and pure in nature. As soon as Jodha was traveling to her parents to seek blessings for them, her eyes travelled to Akbar who was still there fighting. She went down and as soon as Akbar looked at her and had an eye contact he lost his attention and the soldier by mistakenly attacked him and his hands was injured by the sharp sword.

Jodha was so surprised that she didn't say or do anything but she was feeling bad for the soldiers that he didn't do it knowingly and now Akbar will punish him. Akbar started to laugh very loudly instead of being angry, everyone thought Akbar has lost his mind because clearly this is not Akbar. Whatever the soldier did knowingly or unknowingly Akbar would have never thought about him, he would be punishing him right now but punishment was far away he was laughing like Maniac.

Jodha signed the soldiers to leave and went near to Akbar to see his hands, although it was not that deep but there was a cut with a generous amount of blood coming out. Jodha looked around and suddenly went to the Tulsi and got some wet sand and applied on Akbar's hand. Akbar was not hurt at the time he got the cut but when Jodha was applying gently on his hands he pretended to be hurt to see Jodha worried face and sorry in her eyes. He was not even looking at the wound that, how much deep the cut is? Where he has got the cut? His eyes was fixed at his worried wife who was applying wet sand in his hands being most gentle she can ever be.

After Jodha was done with her desi medicine. Akbar still looking at her said," you are full of surprises, Jodha Begum. Once I was hurt in the boat and you treated my wound with water and now wet sand. You should always carry your medicine with yourself because I am always getting hurt around you and you are always applying medicine medicine." Jodha suddenly left Akbar's hand which she was holding while applying medicine in his hand.

Jodha left Akbar's hand and the smile on Akbar's face dropped as soon as she left it. Jodha went to her parents and Akbar was following her like a puppy all around. Wherever Jodha goes he was following her behind. Jodha went to her parents but Akbar was so lost in Jodha that he didn't even realise that his mother was calling him from his behind. Jodha came near to him and gently poked him and that's when Akbar lost it all, he was in blossom and was above the world but before he could travel any further his mother pulling his ear brought him back to the earth and directly threw him into the ground.

They all smiled at a unison and Akbar was so ashame. After some chit-chat Jodha mentioned that she will be visiting the Goddess temple and wants to meet the Goddess so badly. Jodha's grandmother insisted upon taking Akbar with her but Jodha didn't wanted to do she said," leave it grandmother, I don't know if he wants to come or not and I don't want to force him. Our culture is different from theirs so he wouldn't be able to adjust and whatsoever so it better if he does not go."

Akbar smiled a little bit pulled his smile straight away and with a emotion less face said," Jodha Begum, you are a Rajput princess and you went to Ajmer Sharif with me without any hesitation so why should I hesitate to God your temple with you. Theirs absolutely no problem in me adjusting for you, I mean your culture so I will definitely willing to visit the goddess temple with you." Akbar said smiling and his smile was coming to his eyes, it was a sarcastic smile for Jodha.

Although Akbar was happy and moreover excited to go to the Goddess temple with Jodha but Jodha was quite nervous and after knowing that Akbar will come she didn't want to go either but she has already said that she is so excited now if she denies then everyone will think that she is denying because Akbar is accompanying her but she only knows that when she was unmarried and got to knew about Akbar's existence the first thing she did was to vow to her goddess that she will behead Akbar who stole the goddess ornaments but instead of beheading him now she will be going to visit the goddess with him and the person who she wants to behead herself is now her husband who will accompany her to temple where stole the deity's ornaments.

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