Akbar's Betterment

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Although everyone was worried but some of them were thinking that Jodha is the reason behind this maybe she planned all this to kill Akbar as she didn't like him.

Although Queen Hamida was Akbar's mother but she is also Jodha's mother. She was worried for both of them because if something happened to Akbar then the people will kill Jodha for killing the emperor and loosing both of her children is something she didn't wanted.

Akbar's condition was worsening and everyone was praying for their emperor life. Akbar was unwell and if this news went to their enemies, they will attack then them right away to win so Maham Anga warned everyone about it and planned to do something if there will be an attack.

Jodha was continuously praying to Krishna and was in fast for 2 days. Queen Hamida stopped her because she thought that letting Jodha starve will never let Akbar recover but she couldn't say anything by seeing Jodha's dedication and her belief.

After so many prayers and Jodha's guilt and tear they were answered by God, Akbar gained consciousness. He wanted water which Jodha denied to give and Ruqaiya started torturing her with her words but the doctor supported Jodha because if Akbar will drink water then the medicine will not work.

Everyone was happy and delighted to hear such a good news. Everyone was donating gold and clothes among the people of their kingdom for betterment of their emperor which Jodha gave away her all jewellery which she was wearing and said to donate it.

Queen Hamida was so happy and was thankful to Jodha to save her son and the emperor which she replied, " I just saved a man who took the attack on himself while I was the target. I just saved a man whom the people address as their emperor."
Queen Hamida said " I don't know what to praise about you, your high value, your thinking or the fact that you are bestest wife that my son has got unknowingly."

Ruqaiya was very happy that her friend, husband and the emperor is safe. Maham Anga questioned Ruqaiya that " who is she happy for that the emperor is safe or her childhood's friend or her husband?" Ruqaiya replied without taking a second to think," I am happy that the emperor is safe who is my friend and husband."

Although Ruqaiya was happy but Maham Anga could sense that this trip to Ajmer Sharif had changed both Akbar and Jodha because this is not a normal accident and also after getting conscious Akbar did nothing. This is something unusual.

Rahim wanted to listen story and Jodha said the whole accident to Rahim in the story from which he enjoyed the most. Rahim was going to meet the emperor so Jodha gave him a fruit basket so that he will give it to the emperor and Jodha has the knowledge of medicine so she made a medicine herself and gave it to apply on the wounds of the emperor.

Ruqaiya wanted Akbar to punish Jodha but Akbar was not planning to punish her, he wanted to tease Jodha, provoke her, make her angry, fluster her, which is much more satisfying than just punishing her.

Ruqaiya went to Jodha and applied medicine to her cheek which she slapped and said," I taught this from you only Queen Jodha. The one who injures you is the one to put medicine on your wounds to not to turn them into scars." Ruqaiya said and left her chamber.

Moti Bai rushed to Jodha and informed that king Bharmal is at Agra which made Jodha shocked because this accident is only of 4 days and the notice to go to Amer or from Amer will take upto 8 days so if her father is there it's because of any other reason. If he is there then he must have travelled from the date of the incident to reach there.

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