Court For The Culprit

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Akbar summoned everyone for an emergency court meeting in the middle of night. No one knew, whom the court was for? What does the court has to do in this situation?

As Akbar summoned everyone, everyone was there including Jodha and Ruqaiya and Ruqaiya was absolutely changed. She was heartbroken but she was more rude than before. Everyone can understand what was she she going through but everyone will not stand for this everytime.

As previous, Ruqaiya hatred towards Jodha was increasing and now she is more insecure as she is no more pregnant and she can never be pregnant anymore as the doctor said that this poison took the ability of her getting pregnant again. As Akbar is not interested in any of his wives that they will give Akbar his baby so if not Ruqaiya then it will be definitely Jodha.

Ruqaiya was so sure that Jodha is her enemy and she will snatch Akbar from her so she can do anything to Jodha to get out of Agra and Akbar's life.

Queen Hamida entered the court and took her place and then Maham Anga entered with Adam Khan and they stood infront of the emperor's throne. As Akbar was not saying anything or doing anything.

Queen Hamida questioned him, " why did you call everyone here, Jalal."
Although Akbar was calm but he is known for his impatience, hasty behaviour and anger. As soon as Queen Hamida shot this question he went to Maham Anga from his throne like he was waiting for someone to ask him.

Akbar went to Maham Anga and pushed her to ground infront of everyone giving everyone a shock and to disbelief their eyes. No one could ever imagine that Akbar could possibly do such a thing to Maham Anga because he has always listened to her no matter what gibberish she says. He follows her as a puppet.

When Akbar threw her in the ground Maham Anga entered the court and everyone was almost going to faint that their eyes are really betraying them, because they saw two Maham Anga's. One was in the ground and the other just entered the court.

Akbar explained everyone that, the one who did this all and blamed Queen Jodha and Queen Salima is this lady who is disguised as Maham Anga but she is not Maham Anga and she has the same face.

Maham Anga was shocked to see her as they were like twins. No one could say that who is the real one. Maham Anga is rude so everyone could just highlight that point only because Maham Anga doesn't have quality but has every flaw to be recognised.

Akbar did not punish her as she has the face of Maham Anga and punishing her will refer to punishing Maham Anga but if she did anything like this to him again then there will be a consequence and it will be her life.

She was leaving and she went to the woods and suddenly she stopped and turned back and she saw Maham Anga. Maham Anga was hugged and thanked her and gave her a flashback.

The flashback was-
When Akbar knew that Maham Anga did such a thing, Akbar was spying on Maham Anga through some people and Maham Anga heard everything and she called a lady who look alike her, Lakhi. She made her do this for her. She did this everything and took the blame on herself so that Maham Anga has to do nothing. Maham Anga made the plan and made lakhi the culprit but the actual culprit was she only.
End of flashback.

Maham Anga bid farewell to lakhi and she went to her home. Maham Anga returned to the palace and acted like normal and victim. Akbar being emotionally blind saw absolutely nothing but Jodha did.

Maham Anga saw that Jodha was becoming a threat to her and Ruqaiya was also sure that Jodha is something that she could not handle so they decided to make Jodha go out of Akbar's life.

Maham Anga and Ruqaiya always planned something against Jodha and plotted it in Akbar's head which was slowly lightning up and was making Jodha's hatred increase towards Akbar and Akbar's hatred increase towards Jodha.

They will always fight, clash, insult each other and one day it was enough. Akbar could not take it anymore and he decided to divorce Jodha. Divorce was not a thing in those days it just that Akbar will leave Jodha and will declare that Jodha is pice and pure, he has not touched her so that this will make anyone marry her because she is beautiful and what matters is purity.

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