Adam And Sharifuddin Plan

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Akbar was sure that the attack was a plan of one of his family members and even the chief of the security said that this is surely made by any of his family members because where they are staying the night is confidential and no one knows and it will take time to know and to attack so this definitely not the plan of their enemy.

Khan, the chief of the security whom Akbar trust the most because of his loyalty and intelligence he suggested Akbar to not to do anything now as their going Amer for the first time after marriage in such an auspicious day being Sukanya's wedding chief guest so if they will do nothing now it will be better and they will the culprit once they reach Agra.

Adam Khan and Sharifuddin were devastated because their plan failed. Yes they were the one the traitor in their family who attacked Akbar. Adam Khan wanted to be the emperor and Sharifuddin wanted to rule over Amer and make Jodha his because he was mesmerized by Jodha's beauty and Amer was full of everything and because of Akbar he had to return everything to king Bharmal and he even got Jodha so they planned to attack Akbar to achieve their goals.

Sharifuddin knew Akbar very well and Adam Khan made the arrangements but suddenly for the change Jodha was on the boat giving a company to Akbar, Sharifuddin became mad, he lost his mind because anything would have happened to Jodha then he couldn't win Jodha. He signed to stop but the people who were attacking didn't stop. Because of Akbar and Jodha's confidence they both returned safely, unharmed and after seeing Jodha normal, Sharifuddin sighed in relief that Jodha is alive.

Adam Khan and Sharifuddin clashed because Sharifuddin ordered the people to stop although they didn't but still he ordered and if they would have stopped then their plan would have backfired on them only. In between their clash Sharifuddin cleared his intentions of winning Jodha and if something happens to her then he will not leave Adam Khan. Adam Khan became furious but he didn't say anything because he thought once he will become the emperor he could do whatever he wants to and firstly he will show Sharifuddin his real place where he deserves to be, Jail.

The next day they arrived at Amer and they received a warm welcome and Queen Mainavati welcomed by doing Aarti and after that she said to enter the palace before entering she saw Jodha and became emotional but Jodha didn't even looked at her, Queen Mainavati went forward to talk with Jodha and to hug her but Jodha ignored her and directly went to Sukanya and hugged her and they were talking while Jodha was laughing.

Queen Mainavati was feeling very depressed because Jodha didn't even looked at her and she directly went to her sister and spoke to her as if everything is normal. She was very sad that Jodha did such a thing with her but later she understood why Jodha is angry on her because she wrote a letter saying not to come alone probably that's why Jodha is angry and not even looking at her.

After the welcome everyone went to their room and Queen Mainavati went to Jodha's chamber to demolish her anger and she went their and conveyed her intentions behind the letter that no women is respected and honoured if she leaves her husband and her marriage is the most unique marriage because this is the first time a Rajput women married to a Mughal emperor, already Amer is a topic for people to laugh and they want to attack Amer but they are not doing so because they have alliance with Akbar and if she leaves Akbar then everyone would attack Amer and Amer will be destroyed.

After marriage a women home is her in-laws home only till death she has to live their she can only leave that after her death when they will take the body to do the rituals. She cleared that Jodha is welcomed with her husband but without him she is not welcomed anywhere including Amer. Queen Mainavati had a good intention behind this all that she couldn't see her daughter destroying her own life and the people would be laughing on her throughout her life till she dies and even after she dies. She wanted Jodha to live in Agra with her husband in order to be safe from controversy.

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