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Jodha and Akbar were in their way to Agra, soon it was night so they made their tent to rest. Jodha and Akbar were on different tents as per Jodha's request because she was uncomfortable with a men in her tent although the man is her husband but still.

Jodha was having difficulty to sleep so she decided to do her favourite look at the moon. She left her tent and took a place outside of her tent sitting down while gazing at the moon and the stars with every hope of life.

Jodha was sad thinking about everything because Jodha has always been the girl to believe in love, happily ever after and forever and ever kinda stuffs but what she got was absolutely opposite. She got a husband who doesn't have a heart, he is not loyal, he doesn't believe in love neither they will be love.

Jodha was looking at the moon, questioning him about what past deeds she did so that she got so much pain, sorrow and regret in her life. She can never have a happy marriage and she cannot even leave Akbar. There's no chance in hell that she will happy. Thinking about everything she got sad but she quickly wiped her tears with her dupatta and looked at moon with her brightest smile thinking about the good things that the life has given her.

Akbar was looking at Jodha and unknowingly Akbar's smirk turned into a heartily smile which no one has seen or heard has given. Soon the flashbacks of the wedding were infront of Akbar and his heart was fluttering.

Small girls were playing while Jodha's brother and Maan Singh were doing Archery. Soon Akbar joined them while the girls insisted Akbar to do archery and on his first try his arrow hit on the middle point which is the most difficult to achieve.

Jodha came talking to her friends and when she saw Akbar teaching the small girls archery she became worried because if they will learn they will hit each other with it so she went to Akbar to stop him.

Jodha said, "Why are you making them learn archery? They are very small. Can't you see? If they will learn this now then rather than using it for good purpose they will hit each other with it and someone will be badly injured with it." Akbar stood up because he was on the ground at the girls level to make them learn.

Maan Singh was laughing and Akbar raised his eyebrows questioning him with his look. Maan Singh said, ' I am laughing at the fact that who is saying all this. Give me a minute to process like Jodha bua sa. You, yourself are like this so you cannot say anything to others. You know shehnshah, Jodha bua sa always used to go away from the palace riding on her horse and all our guards will run behind her but still couldn't catch her. There's not even one time when Jodha bua sa has not pulled a stunt. Everyone used to question that how is she a girl because she has the every quality of a boy.'

"You are small now Maan Singh, say words according to your age. You shouldn't say something beyond your age. Otherwise she what will I do." Jodha said with giving a death glare to Maan Singh while Maan Singh went near to Akbar and whispered 'She is also very bossy as you can see. She was the bossy kid, always threatening others.' Jodha glared him even more while Akbar turned to Maan Singh and said 'I know Maan Singh, I know because I always see her bossy nature.'

Small girls slowly pulled Akbar's kurta and one came forward and said " do you know jiju sa, Jodha jiji is an excellent Archer." They said while looking in Jodha and Jodha signalled them to go inside which they went but they were standing at a distance to see their sister's archery.

Akbar raised his eyebrows and came forward to Jodha and said, ' do you know archery Jodha Begum? If you do then show your skills.' Akbar gave the bow in her hand to show her skills but instead of taking one arrow she took three arrows in once and was aiming while Akbar was giving her questioning look which she shrugged it off.

Jodha took her position and aimed her arrows and launched the three arrows in once and the all reached the mid point without a fail and the small girls clapped very loudly and cheering in unison. Jodha looked at them and she smiled making them more proud.

Jodha gave Akbar back the bow with the same attitude and look with which Akbar gave to her. Akbar went close to Jodha and said,' you got so many qualities Jodha Begum. I am not at all regretting my decision to come to Amer because after we came here you just keep Surprising me with all your qualities and your skills are commendable I must say.'

"Even you have so many qualities shehnshah. Giving orders and show off, imposing your decision on someone and many more. You should have been tired by carrying all this qualities of yours. Right? You should rest." Jodha said while going to palace and passing a glare to Maan Singh.

'This is also one of yours quality Jodha Begum, Taunting without a taunt. You are the only piece in the whole universe indeed.' Akbar said while smirking and Maan Singh was terrified because although he said so many things in the flow but now no can save him from Jodha's wrath. He will definitely die. RIP Maan Singh.

Flashback ends.

Akbar came out of his thoughts when a guard came to him to say about the security arrangements and after informing him the arrangements he left but when he saw the place where Jodha was sitting the place was empty. Jodha had left to sleep and Akbar also went to sleep.

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