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Akbar's Caravan was heading towards the Ajmer Sharif and Jodha was ashamed for accusing Akbar while he was trying to save her life. In their way to Ajmer Sharif they saw some man's were collecting jewellery, clothes and many more things. Akbar stopped the Caravan to see what was happening there.

Akbar went and asked the man," why are you collecting all this stuffs?"

The man said," there is village near where the nature calamity had made the villager suffer. Neither they have house not they have the food to eat so we are volunteering everywhere and requesting people to donate something for them."

After listening to the man Jodha came forward and was giving her jewellery for the donation but Akbar stopped her and said to go to her palanquin. Jodha went without arguing but she said it to herself," which kind of emperor you are? Your kingdom people are dying and you are doing nothing and you also stopped me from doing so. Are you even human? Do you have humanity to save them or to do something for them."

Jodha just completed doing her judgement but when she looked back Akbar was donating all his jewellery and his emperor's crown although they denied that an emperor is nothing without his crown but Akbar said," I am not Akbar I am Jalal I am going to Ajmer Sharif and there's absolutely no need of this crown and this staying in my head will do nothing but it can help the people."

The man was confused because Akbar donated his everything he was wearing but he didn't let Jodha donate anything so he asked it to Akbar which Akbar replied," firstly it doesn't suit the Queen to be without jewellery and secondly my jewellery are much more costly than her's so it will be helpful to more people."

Jodha was again ashamed to judge too soon. Akbar was going to pilgrimage being Jalal and not the emperor, Akbar. They both reached Ajmer Sharif and the priest praised Jalal because he was there as a man without any thing of the emperor and this refers that he let his ego aside and whoever let his ego aside are the ones to go forward in everything.

Jalal and Jodha were praying to Gareeb Nawaz. This was Jodha's first time to go to such a place so she was sitting and joined her hands together while bowing to the Gareeb Nawaz. Jalal noticed and said, "Jodha Begum we do not join our hands here and now to the Gareeb Nawaz but instead we look above in hope while opening our hands and facing our palms towards our face."

Jalal was explaining Jodha about everything but Jodha being a surprise she already knew everything and much more. She started to explain everything and said the things about the Gareeb Nawaz which was surprising to hear as Jodha was a Rajput and a Rajput barely knows this much about a Mughal mosque.

Jalal was astonished yet impressed so he asked Jodha that how did she knew this much. Jodha said that she likes to know everything about every religion, every god, she likes to study about everything because their no such thing that God belongs to a religion only we are the one to separate them from ourselves.

The priest was very much impressed by Jodha and her knowledge and it was the first time that priest was happy from the wife of Jalal because like his normal wife Jodha was not interested in jewellery, position and power she was unique.

The priest blessed the couple and there was a area where you tie a knot of cloth while wishing and Gareeb Nawaz will grant you the wish and Jodha wished," Gareeb Nawaz His Highness has snatched everything from me so please give me a chance to teach him a lesson."

Jalal asked Jodha that what she wished for but she denied to say as their is belief that if you say your wish loud then it's not going to be fulfilled but Akbar said his wish to her that he wished for to fulfill Jodha's wish because he has snatched away everything from Jodha. Jodha was happy to listen and thanked Jalal that he wished it.

There was a celebration kept for the couple at the Ajmer Sharif and they were enjoying and suddenly Jalal got up from his place and started dancing on "Khwaja mere Khwaja"

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