Chapter 1

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Shay's POV

"And we will see you guys tomorrow!" I turned off the camera. We were going to the movies.

"Dada, Dada!" Daxton was calling me. I unbuckled his seatbelt and carried him. We were going to see Tomorrowland.

When we were getting popcorn and drinks, I saw the kids and Colette getting candy.

"Hey don't get too many" They all got 2 boxes each of-whatever little kids eat.


"Wow. That was an awesome movie." Avia said as we were walking out. There was a murmur of agreement.

I checked the time. 6:54. "Do you guys wanna go to Wingers?"

"Yeah!" They all said in unison. As we were walking out we all heard a familiar scream from behind us.

I checked if my entire family was here. Colette, Dax, Brock, Gavin, Avia, Em- EMMI?!

"Colette where's Emmi ?!" "I had her right behind me! She held onto my shirt!" Oh gosh.

"Daddy! Mom-" I ran where I heard her voice. "Colette! Go in the car with the kids!" They rushed out of theatre.

There was Emmi! A man was dragging her to the back of the building.

I ran and ran. I tried to punch the guy but he shot me in the arm.

I fell in pain and watched as he took my youngest daughter away.

Colette's POV

"Kids! Run to the car!" They ran with me behind them. It was dark so I stayed careful trying not to loose anybody.

I opened the car and they rushed in. I checked if everyone was here. "Where's Avia?!" I was scared. First Emmi, now Avia!

Shay came running back to the car. "Emmi was put in the back of the theatre!"

I noticed a lot of blood on Shay's sleeve. "Oh my gosh... are you okay?!"
He nodded. We drove home to keep the other three safe.

We got home and I immediantly called 911. "911 what's your emergency?" I told her everything.

She said help will be here soon.

I hope my baby girls were safe.

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