Chapter 4

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Avia's POV

2 months. 3 weeks. Stuck in this room. Jeff came in the room and gave us cheese.

He rushed us to eat. After that he grabbed Emmi by the hair and threw her on the floor.

Next he kicked me in the head. I felt like passing out. I had to stay strong.

Colette's POV

The police called us today about a woman thinking she saw Avia and Emmi.

They sent me a picture that she took. The two girls looked way too old to be them.

I sighed as I locked my phone. "MOM!" Gavin called me, probably from his room.

I ran there and saw Brock in bed, not moving. "What happened?!" I checked Brock.

"H-he was l-lying in bed, and I decided to check on him but, he wouldn't w-wake up." Gavin was tearing.

"Call Shay! Tell him we'll be at the hospital!"
So yeah... don't worry , there will be more interesting things going on.

Bye ! ✌

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