Chapter 28

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Emmi's POV

Mom and Dad helped me get in bed. I had to put my arm up a pillow just for now so I don't smash it.

"Call us if you need anything, ok?" I nodded and put my blanket on. "Alright, good night Emmi. It's starting to become late." Dad kissed me on my forehead.

"Goodnight guys." They turned off my lights as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to Zeke barking very loudly. I checked the time. 8:36 AM. I carefully got up and went to the bathroom.

When I walked out I smelled bacon and eggs. I went to the kitchen and saw Mom cooking while Dad was setting up the table.

He saw me and smiled as I took my seat. "How's your arm?" He asked me, setting down some cups. "It's good, just kinda difficult changing and you know, doing my business."

He laughed. "Yeah, that's the hardest part about having a cast." Mom came in with 4 plates with eggs, bacon, and toast. She set one infront of me and came back with 3 more.

"Em, can you call your siblings up here?" I nodded. "Can I vlog too?" She handed me the camera and I turned it on.

"Hey guys it's Babytard and I'm going to wake up Gavin first." I walked down to his room. "Here I go!" I walked in without knocking to see him changing, naked. "AAHH!"

I quickly shut the door. "So sorry, Gav!" I heard him say, "It's okay!" I realized I was still vlogging. "Oops... I probably shoud have knocked. Anyways lets wake up Brock."

I ran to Brock and I's room and walked in. I shook him lightly. "Brock, wake up." I whispered. He moved and turned to me. "Emmi I don't wanna get up. I tired. "

I giggled and put the camera to his face. "Ok, I'll get Dad to take you up." He nodded and fell back asleep. "DAD!!! CAN YOU HELP ROCKTARD GET UP?!?!?" I shouted in our room.

He came and tickled Brock until he woke up. I paused the footage amd walked to Avia's room to see her not in there. "Dad! Where's Avia?!"

Dad came rushing in. "Emmi, stop this nonsense! Avia! Prank's over." He looked through her room. "But Dad! I'm not joking!I don't know where she is!"

He walked out of her room and up the stairs. "No, no... Colette! Where's Avia!" I followed him up and into the kitchen. "Shay? What do you mean? She's out on the trampoline with Brailee."

"What?" Dad looked out the window to see her and Brailee doing flips. "Ooohhh!" We laughed a little. Soon all the kids came down and we all started eating.

I don't know if I should end this story soon.

Maybe I'm going to end it on 50 chapters... I don't know yet.

Bye! <3

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