Chapter 5

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Jeff's POV

I walked into the room the girls were staying in. I wanted to help them but I knew Dan would threaten me and my family.

They looked at me as I opened the door. I walked towards them and they flinched.

"Don't worry girls, I will get you out." Luckily Dan was sleeping upstairs.

"What? How?" Emmi asked. "Follow me".

Avia's POV

I was scared. What if Dan caught us? "Follow me". He walked over to a small door in the back of the room.

He opened it and lead us in. I let Emmi go first so she was atleast a little safe if Dan came.

"Here. Careful." He led us outside a back door. "Go! Go!" We ran as far as possible away from the house.

The sun blinded my eyes. "Thank you Jeff" We both thanked him. "No problem. You know, I have 2 daughters as well. Emily and Amanda. "

After we walked and walked we saw our house. I was so excited.

Colette's POV

"Help! My son!" A bunch of nurses took Brock onto a stretcher. I followed them staying by his side.

They went through two doors and I wasn't able to come inside. I started crying.

I walked back to the waiting room. Gavin was sitting there. Suddenly Shay and Daxton walked in.

"Colette! Is he okay?" He came over and hugged me. "They just took him in".

Gavin's POV

Right now we're heading home. The doctors told us we should get some rest. Brock was in his room, not moving. I hope he's okay.

It is 4:37 PM. While we were driving up to the property, we saw three figures walking towards the house.

"Mom? Dad? Do you see those people?" They nodded and stopped the car.

"Hey! Who are you? Are you lost?" Dad called to them. Two of them looked pretty young. They were really dirty. The other one was clean and looked like an adult.

They came running towards us. "Mommy!" One screamed. "Daddy!" The other one called. Avia? Emmi?

We three realised who they were. "Girls!" We tackled them. Mom and Dad started crying hysterically.

The man came up and smiled. "Who are you?! What did you do to my kids?!" Dad screamed at his face.

"Dad! Dad! Don't worry he helped us escape" Emmi explained. "Oh. Well. Thank you"
The rest will be up tomorrow.

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