Chapter 26

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Colette's POV

I got a call from Pocatello Police station. "Hello?!" I called into the phone.

"Mrs. Butler we have found your children walking on the street alone. If you could come down here in the station as soon as possible, you can come get them."

I couldn't believe what I heard. "Shay! They found the kids!" Shay came running in. "What?! Where?! When?! Let's go get our kids!" He grabbed the car keys and got in the car.

Gavin and Brock were at Casey and Kayli's house. Shay drove over to the station. Once we got there I ran inside.

I saw Emmi, Daxton, and Avia eating some food. "Oh my I'm so sorry." I walked over to them and gave a big hug.

Daxton smiled. "Mommy! Daddy! I was so scared. Can we get ice cream?!" I smiled and Shay carried him. "Girls, I am so sorry for letting this happen to you guys, again."

They both hugged me. "Its fine, Mom. Avia was super smart and got us out." Emmi told me. "Avia, you are such a wonderful sister. I love you guys." We all hugged and an officer came to us.

"Mr and Mrs Butler, do you mind if we ask Emmi Butler a few questions?" I was a little confused. "Wait why only Emmi? Aren't you going to ask Avia and Daxton?"

He nodded. "Well we plan to ask Daxton, but not Avia. Since Emmi looks like she has been hurt the most." I nodded. "Baby, tell them everything that happened, ok? Even the smallest things. Every detail. Everything you remember." She nodded and gave me a small smile.

She followed the cop and we sat down, waiting for all of this drama to go away.

Emmi's POV

I followed the officer to an office. "Please take a seat." I did what I was told and he turned on a voice recorder. "Emmi, please tell me what happened when you were taken from your family."

I remembered it all from the start. "Well, my family was eating at Wingers and we finished. My dad asked if any of us needed to use the bathroom. Avia and I had to go. When I finished I went out but Avia wasn't done yet. A teenage boy came up to me and put a rag to my mouth. Then it went black."

The officer nodded for me to continue. " I woke up with my siblings, Avia and Daxton, sleeping next to me. We were in a room. It had a mattress and a thin blanket. Then a little while later a fat bald man took me and threw me in a room. Then he... he w-whipped me. He hit me really hard. That's how I got this."
I showed him the wounds on my cheek and my side.

"Once he was done he put me back into the room my siblings were in. Then Avia told me a plan to get out. We escaped by the vent and started walking, trying to find our home. Then that is how we ended up here."

He nodded. "Thank you Emmi. You and your siblings are very wise." He walked me out. "Mrs. Butler, I would take Emmi to the hoslital, just to make sure she doesn't have major damage to her body. " Mom nodded.

She told Dad to stay here and watch Avia while her, Daxton and I went to the doctors."Emmi, stay close to Mom, ok?" Dad told me. I shook my head and he gently hugged me.

Mom took us to the car and we drove off.

Avia's POV

After they left an officer, Officer Jerald, took me to a room. "Avia, can you describe the house or apartment you were in?"

I thought about it. "Well it was an apartment complex. There was two windows and inside was old and rusty. The outside of it was a brick building, with about 10 stories. There was a fancy diner near it. I think called Jerry and Jen's Valley Diner."( XD I couldn't think of a name )

I finished talking. "Ok, that's all we need. Since your mother took your vechicle we'll drive you home."

"Thank you, Officer Jerald." He walked me out and he drove us home.

I went to my room and decided to take a nap. What a crazy day.


Sorry for not updating for days. I have been busy with other things.

<3 bye

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