Chapter 11

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Emmi's POV

I came home from school when I heard a loud, help! Come from Avia's room.

I thought of it as Lucas and her practicing for a play or something but it sounded as if she really needed help.

I decided to barge in their, not caring if she will get mad. I slowly turned the knob and saw something I dreaded...

Lucas had a knife, putting it up to Avia's neck. I stood there. Not knowing what to say or do.

"Lucas! What are you doing?!" I shouted at him. He turned to me."Oh since your sister passed out I thought it was a perfect time to kill her."

I gasped. "I knew you weren't meant to be! I'm calling the cops!"

"Emmi? Lucas what's going on here?" Mom and Dad came in the room. "Look! he made Avia pass out! He was going to kill her!"

Mom looked at me tears forming, Dad was ready to break Lucas.

"Woah woah! Shay Carl, don't hurt an 'innocent' teen!" A voice called from behind us.

Mom or Dad didn't reconize who he was. But me and Lucas knew exactly who he was.

"Dan?" I said, shocked. "Yes, yes my sweet Emmi. I have been the one sending you emails. I have been the one since the start."

He walked toward Lucas. "Thank you son. You got them right where we need them. So how are your sons?" Mom and Dad looked at eachother. They ran out of the room.

Colette's POV

I ran to Gavin and Brock's room. I open the door to see the two tied up, duct tape on their mouths. Daxton was tied up too.

What I saw broke my heart. My children, trapped.

This is only the beggining to the end.
Yass another chapter!!

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