Chapter 17

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Brock's POV

A nice looking person called my name. I think it was a cop. I ran over to her excitedly, hopefully getting a toy from her.

"Woah! Isn't this one excited!" Gavin and I laughed as she led us to a room.

She pointed to three chairs, motioning us to take a seat. "Okay, Avia what year were you kidnapped?"

I thought about it. "2015" (Remember its three years later) She nodded. "Brock, did you see this mean man? And did he do anything bad to you?" Officer Elizabeth said, from reading her badge I'm guessing that is her name.

Brock nodded fast. "He slapped my adorable face 5 times." He said holding up 5 fingers. "Thank you Brock." She gave him a lollipop.

"Gavin Butler, what did this man do to you and your family?" She payed her attention to Gavin.

"Well, he kidnapped Avia and Emmi, sent us threats everyday, and beaten up my family." She nodded. "You three may go back to your family."

We all walked over as Brock, of course, ran over with a lollipop in his mouth.

Well at least we can go home now.



Emmi's POV

I grabbed the vlogging camera and made a video of me and Avia making a peanut butter and jelly cake.

"Next take a butter knife and spread around the jelly. You can add as much you'd like." I explained.

Avia got marshmallows and sprinkled some around the bread. "Take marshmallows and sprinkle it around... AND YOU'RE DONE!" I grabbed the camera amd showed them.

"Then you serve it to your guests! Here everyone!" She carried it to the living room. "Hey! Give me that thing!" Dad grabbed the camera from me. I laughed as he chased me around.

"Oh look! The girls made this peanut butter jelly thingy sandwich cake marshmallows... yeah." He laughed as he turned off the camera. "Yum! Lets eat this thing!"

We cut it up and enjoyed our dessert.



The next morning

"BAH BAH EMMI EMMMMMMIIIII EEEEMMMMIIII!!" I woke up to Daxton throwing his toys everywhere. Trying to wake me up.

I got up and changed out of my pjs. "Daxy! I'm gonna get you!" I ran after him as he yelled and ran. "Mommy help me! Emmi the Evil is going to get me!" She giggled and carried Daxton.

I smiled and went to the living room. Gavin was there watching t.v. I sat next to him and watched. "Kids! Come eat your breakfast!" I turned off the tv.

"Race you there." Gavin smiled. "Go!" I was so close but he beat me just barely.

Daddy came in while we were all eating. He had a black bag in his hand. "Children, we have a surprise for you." I never realized he was vlogging when he put the camera in my face.

"Since things have been happening here, we decided we need to communicate with you guys so we got you IPhones!"

We all screamed. Even Brock got one!

Gavin got an IPhone 6+ since he is such a responsible child. Avia and I got a 6 and Brock has a 5s.
"We can get covers later tonight but meanwhile I'll help you guys set up."

Best parents EVER!
Sorry for lacking interesting chapters. If you'd like, PM me some ideas!

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