Chapter 20

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Cooper's POV

I was looking around with Gavin until a man came up to me. "Hello, Cooper." I looked at him confused.

I looked around and back at him. "Um... do I know you?" I asked him supiciously. "Well no, but I know who you are." He said with an evil smile plastered on his face.

I ran. I tried to find Mom, but I felt a stinging pain on my leg. "OOOWWW!" I yelled in pain. I accidently tripped over a hanger and another hanger sliced my skin.

It started bleeding. The man came towards me. I threw a bunch of dresses at him as he struggled taking it off. I got up, limping out the store. I saw everyone run out the store as a gunshot was fired.

I followed the enormous crowd, looking for my mom. "Mom? Gavin? Girls?" I called out but no one payed attention to me. I looked for Mom's car. I found it and waited by it.

I checked my wound. Alot of blood. I took my jacket off and wiped it. I tied it around my leg.

There was a family of 5 coming towards me. Wait. Thats them!

Gavin's POV

I was looking around with Cooper until I got distracted across the store. I walked over to what I saw. It was awesome Vans! "Woah." I whispered to myself.

I remembered I should be watching Cooper. I went back to the Disney Store but everyone rushed out as I heard a gunshot.

Where's Cooper?! I thought. I couldn't pass the huge crowd so I waited outside. I looked for Aunt Carlie, the girls, Cooper. I couldn't find them!

Oh! I know! My phone! I called Carlie. "HELLO?! GAVIN?! OH MY GOSH! WHERE ARE YOU?!" She panicked through the phone.

"I'm near Entrance 3." I informed her. "Okay. Stay where you are. We're coming." She hung up as I saw a car speeding through the lot.

It was Carlie. She reached me as I hopped in. "Oh my gosh... wait if you two weren't taken or shot, who was?" Emmi asked me.

"I saw paramedics rolling in what looks like a 10 year old boy. Maybe he was shot." I felt so bad. But at the same time I feel lucky to be alive.

Dan's POV

I was taking to Cooper when he ran away. Ugh! Kids are annoying! Just let me kidnap you and we're done!

I smirked as he fell on a hanger. I slowly walked towards him but he threw nasty dresses at me. "Ugh!" I screamed.

Lucky for him, he got away. As for me, I stand there, thinking what I should do next.

I felt through my pocket to find a shotgun. Perfect. I shot it at a boy who looks 8 years old. He screamed in pain but I laughed.

Everyone left the store. "Sir! Can you please help me?!" I little girl called for me. I laughed. "No!" I shouted at her. I grabbed her and threw her onto my shoulder.

To me, it was a man kidnapping an innocent girl. Which is supposed to look like a bratty child not wanting to leave Disney.

I took the child to my car and drove off to the woods. I took the girl and left her there. "Bye bye!" I called while driving away.

She started crying but I didn't care.

Now time for Gavin and Brock Butler.


Evil Dan! I can't believe we already reached 20 chapters!

Bye :)

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