Chapter 13

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Casey's POV

Brock for whatever reason told me to call the cops. I didn't question him and called them. "Hello officer! An 8 year old little boy needs help at Fake Street. I don't know what is actually going on"

I waited for a response. "Okay, stay where you might be amd we will be over." He hung up the phone.

I ran to where Kayli was."Hey Kayli, Shay, Colette and the kids are in trouble. I'm going to go help them. Don't worry about me, the cops will be there."

She was playing with Winston and she got up and said, "Casey, please be careful." I nodded my head.

I heard a knock on the door and it was an officer. I led all if them to Shay's house. "In here" They turned on their sirens and blocked all the exits.

I opened the door. "Kids! Shay! Colette!" I screamed through the house. A few cops followed me in, guns ready to shoot.

We walked in the living room, we saw blood. Everywhere. I saw them. Tied. Hurt. Bloody.

I walked over to them and untied the rope. The cops searched around the house. "GET UP NOW! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! BOTH OF YOU!" One cop yelled. "Come here!" Another yelled at a teen boy. "Follow him!" The more muscular one said at a man.

2 cops came over to Shay and asked if they can interview everyone. Shay said yes.
Tomorrow, we will be interviewed to see who is guilty. They took the man and teen to jail until the interview.

Well, atleast they're away... for now.


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