Chapter 9

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Gavin's POV

It was about 3 in the morning when I woke up to the wind hitting my window.

I sighed and looked out it. My eyes were still heavy and I was almost asleep when I saw what looked like a man figure standing next to the street.

I thought of it as a dream and shut my eyes fully, I fell asleep.

{The next morning}

-Still Gavin's POV-

"Good morning, Sontard!" My mom said as she was vlogging. "Morning" She continued vlogging herself.

Just then Avia and Brock came into the kitchen to eat. "Morning children!" Mom was so perky.

Finally Emmi came in. "Morning" Her and Mom said at the same time.

"Okay kids, later after school we have a surprise for you. You'll have to wait until later though!"

"No Mommy! Tell us now!" Emmi begged. "Sorry Honey"

We got our backpacks amd got in the car. Our Dad was dropping us off.

Avia was in the passenger seat and Emmi and I sat at the back. "DAD! DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE SECRET FOR AFTER SCHOOL?!" I screamed out.

"Gavin, you know I can hear you from you talking normally" He laughed. "Sorry" I chuckled.

We got to our school. "And yes, I do. Now, go get some education in your brain." He was vlogging.

"Bye have fun... love you... no kissing ladies young man..."

"Dad!" He laughed and turned the camera off.
Again , super boring chapter.

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