Chapter 12

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Avia's POV

I woke up, my head hurting really bad. I heard screaming from the living room.

There was... Dan's voice? I got up and walked to the living room. I saw my family tied up. "Lucas?! Dan?!" I shouted, seeing Lucas holding poor innocent Daxton.

They all had their eyes in me. "Oh finally, you're awake." Lucas rolled his eyes at me. Dan grabbed me and threw me to my family.

He got out a gun and pointed it to us. "If any of you don't listen to us, I shoot all of you. Now, you" He pointed to my 8 year old brother, Brock. "Go in the other room."

"NO! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH HIM!" I shouted. "Oh Avia, that's strike one. 2 more you die" I shut my mouth.

Brock's POV

I ran to the room Mr. Whatever-his-name-is told me to go. I quietly grabbed the home phone and called Uncle Casey to come with the cops.

Dan came in right when I put the phone down. He slapped me right across the face. I whimpered. Then he pushed me on the couch.

He slapped me spelling out my name. B. One. R. Another. O. Ouch. C. That leaves a mark. K. Worst one.

He dragged me back to the living room. Mom saw me and quietly cried. "Hmm... next... Emmi and Avia come here"


Emmi's POV

We followed Dan as he pushed us down the floor. He grabbed a knife and took Avia's arm.

I saw he cut "Avia Butler" in her arm. He kicked her away and grabbed me.

He took my thigh and put, "Babytard" I shut my eyes as I felt the blood gushing out my body.

He punched us both alot of times before throwing us on the couch. He spanked us and took his belt and whipped us.

The belt hit me where he had cut me. It started bleeding even more.

He finally stopped beating us and dragged us to the living room.

I am pretty sure we got the worse beating. After he hurt everyone else there was blood. Everywhere.

Lucas threw over Daxton to Mommy. He started crying alot. "You guys are lucky I'm not hurting that baby" Dan had alot of blood on his hands and shirt.

Soon we heard sirens and Uncle Casey's voice.

Im in such a great mood for making chapters! ❤ bye

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