Chapter 33

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Shay's POV

Today we decided to get into action. It has been too long without my 2 missing children.

I've been trying to call Ceciley if she has seen the kids, but all I get is a voicemail. The cops have agreed to be armed and hunt for Dan and Lucas.

Right now we are searching every possible place a kidnapper could hide. We went to the woods, nothing.

The rest of the kids were with Casey and Kayli and Colette was with me and the cops. "How 'bout we go to the abandoned house?" Colette spoke up.

"We can, but nobody has been there for years." Officer Green told us. "Exactly, they would go to a place no one would go. Doesn't that make sense? For a kidnapper to hide?"

We all nodded. There were probably 5 cop cars. We split and got in the car. The drive to the abandoned house was about 10 minutes.

The cars followed one another and got to the house. They never turned on the sirens or lights, just to make sure they don't harm the kids.

The most armed cops went in first. They gave me a gun. "Colette, stay here." She gave me a kiss and the cops and I went in slowly.

I heard coughing from a room. We opened it and see the kids! They looked at us, backing away. "Please don't hurt us." I hear Cooper say.

"This is Pocatello Police Station. We will not harm you. Please follow this officer." Officer Green pointed to another and led them outside.

We continue looking for Dan and Lucas. We check every room and there was a final one, down the hall.

I followed the cops, ready to shoot. "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR OR WE SHOOT!" We pointed our guns to 3 adults. One female, Dan, and Lucas.

The female looked at me. "Ceciley?!" She gave me an evil grin. "Yeah, that's me." I see Dan take something out from his pocket.

"Back away! And no one gets hurt." He aimed a gun to all of us. "Take the shot!" Officer Green told only one officer. He shot Dan in the leg. "AAARRGGHH!"

Dan fell to the ground and dropped the gun. "You people! You shot my father!" A cop shot him too. This time in the arm. He fell and passed out.

"Woah, wait Shay, come on, we're friends right?" She was obviously scared. Officer Green was ready to shoot. "Wait! Don't shoot yet."

He aimed it down and I walked towards Ceciley. "Ceciley, I thought you loved my children. They loved you because you were so nice to them. But now that we know the truth, you were never there for us. Now you must suffer what my family felt for years."

I took my gun, aimed it at her chest, and took the shot. She fell next to the lifeless bodies. "I'm sor-" Was her last words until she was gone.

I walked out of the house, not caring that 3 people were dead. Colette came running up to me with the kids in the car. "Shay, I heard gunshots, what happened?!"

"Ceciley, Dan, and Lucas. They're gone." She looked at me confused. "Why Ceciley?!" She started crying and panicking.

"Colette! She was part of it! All of it! She never loved us." I walked to the kids. Some cops drag the three bodies into their trunk.

"Shay Carl, you are arrested for-"

*** (This is where it gets comfusing)
I saved my writing on Wattpad, published it, leaving my readers a cliffhanger. I logged out and closed my laptop. I made this story called, Life Behind YouTube. It was about our family, as if everything wasn't so perfect.

I walked to the kitchen to see my older brother and sister and my baby brothers playing Legos. "Hey Mom, I wrote a new chapter on my fanfiction."

She was cooking dinner. "Oh good, Emmi. I love reading your stories."

"KIDS! GET READY! WE'RE GOING TO THE MOVIES." Dad called from his office. Wait a minute.

A few minutes later we left to the theatre. We got all our candies and treats. "Don't get too much." Dad told us. We got 2 boxes each. Hold up.

After the movie we walked out. I held onto Mom's shirt. This reminds me of something. "That movie was amazing." Avia said.

After she said that I felt myself being lifted off the ground.

No. This can't be happening. My fanfiction... it's coming TRUE!


Ta-da! This is the ending chapter. If you don't get it, tell me below so I can make an A/N explaining the ending.

I had so much fun writing this story. Thank you so much for everything. My favorite part of being an author is reading your funny and positive comments.

I love seeing , 'Your name here has commented on your story or, 'Your name here has voted for your story'

Thank you for these people :


If your name isn't there, I'm sorry. But I still thank you for everything.

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