Chapter 29

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Jeff's POV

As I was playing with Emily and Amanda, I got a call from a number I never seen before.

"Hold on girls." I walked away from them and answered. "Hello?" There was a scilence. "Look out your window, Jeff."

Huh? "Excuse me? I think you accidently called the wrong number." Scilence again. "Then why did I say your name?" He was right. I checked the window to see Dan?

I dropped my phone. The notes stopped after Amanda's 8th birthday. (If you don't remember about Jeff, you can go back to chapters 5-7)

I picked up my phone as Dan just stared at me. "What do you want?" I snapped at him. He took a gun out of his pocket and aimed at me. "Don't worry. I won't shoot you. Well, atleast not yet." He laughed his evil laughed I heard when we, or should I say, he kidnapped the Butler's daughters.

He hung up and I went to play with Amanda and Emily. I checked if he was still there, bur he disappered.

Avia's POV

It was movie night and I was in charge of the treats and popcorn. I told everyone to go in the family room since it was a surprise.

I made 3 bowls of popcorn. Mom and Dad, and Daxton share one, Emmi and I, and Gavin and Brock. As I was making some drinks, I got a text from a number I never seen before.

{ A- Avia | # - Person | Italics - Avia thinking }

# - hi brat tard

'Brat tard?! I'm Princesstard

A - um im princesstard... and how did u get my number?

# - lol very funny. im pretty sure ur the brat ( This is not my opinion in real life. I think don't think she's a brat )

A - im calling my dad

# - dont u dare

A - Hello?! This is her father. I don't think you should be texting her or else I will track your address down and beat the heck out of you.

A - Now, if you won't stop texting my daughter, the police will be involved. Delete her number. I have a screenshot this conversation.

# - I wanna join movie night ;) C'mon Shay Carl. P.S I won't stop until I have your family. DEAD!

Shay's POV

"Avia, I'm going to screenshot this. If this person texts you again, let me know the minute he does. Got it?" She nodded.

We continued our night as if none of that happened. Avia and I promised we won't tell the rest of the family about the threat.


Quick chapter since I never updated in such a long time !

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