Chapter 18

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Thanks to Saturdaze for giving me this awesome idea!

Emmi's POV

After Dad set up our phones, we went to the store to buy our cases. It was only Avia, Dad, and I since he wanted to spend some more time with us.

He drove off to the store and we hopped out the car. We went in and saw thousands of cases to choose from.

"Remember, you have an IPhone 6, so stay in this area." He pointed to where all the cases for 6's were.

Avia and I started roaming around, looking for the prettiest ones.

Avia's POV

As I was looking I accidently bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so-" I gasped and ran out of the store. It was Lucas! Emmi called for me but I continued to run.

Emmi's POV

I frantically ran for her but she disappeared. I ran back in the store but Lucas stops me. "Tell your Dad I'm here, and I kill everyone. Even Daxton this time." I nodded, shaking in terror. "I w-won't"

"Good" Then he left the store. I ran to Dad and told him everything. He dropped the items he was holding and ran out.

I followed Dad as he looked outside the store.

Madeline's POV (store clerk)

I was doing my job when suddenly a dad and daughter ran out the store. I ran to them but I saw a teenage boy holding a knife.

I finally caught up and told the man and kid. "Emmi, stay here with Madeline. Okay?" The girl, Emmi? Nodded her head yes.

We watched as her dad turned a corner but got stabbed in the stomach. I cover Emmi's eyes so she wouldn't see this terrible scene.

I ran to him with Emmi following me. I quickly called 911.

Emmi's POV

I was crying my eyes out as Avia came out of the shadows. She sat next to me, comforting Dad as we waited for the paramedics.

They came and we all got in. They put daddy in a stretcher and put him in. I controlled my feelings while Avia cried the entire ride.

"Emmi? Can you please call your mother?" Madeline asks me. "Okay" I called mom. She wouldn't answer. So instead I called Gavin.

"Hello?" He picked up. "Gav, this is Em, D-Dad he's going to the hospital. He got stabbed in the stomach. By... Lucas" I sobbed.

Gavin's POV

"Gav, this is Em, D-Dad he's going to the hospital. He got stabbed in the stomach. By... Lucas" I heard Emmi say. With that I dropped my phone.

Mom saw me and comforted me as I fell to the floor.


Yay! Long chapter! Again thanks to Saturdaze for giving me this idea!

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