Chapter 31

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Avia's POV

I was at school since my bus leaves the same time as Gavin. I was listening to the teacher was teaching. The principal spoke into the intercom.

"Avia Butler please come to office, Avia Butler please come to the office." Yes! I'm free from this boring class!

I gathered my stuff and walked out as the teacher continued talking. I was walking as my phone vibrated. My friend texted me from her class. I accidently bumped into some one and dropped all my things.

"Oh I'm so sor-" I looked up to see who it was. Lucas. I gasped. "Yell and I kill." He covered my mouth with his dirty hand. I pulled his hand off. He put it back and he dragged me to the back exit.

I heard the principal call my name again through the intercom, but Lucas shoved me into a school bus. There I saw another person tied up on one of the seats.

It was a boy. He looked up at me. "Gage?!" I ran over to him. "What did you do?!" I yelled at Lucas. "Be quiet! Or else." He held up a knife. I shut my mouth and sat next to Gage.

Lucas drove to the direction of Cooper's school. I wanted to ask something but I knew he would harm me or Gage. He stopped the bus really hard and I almost fell off.

Lucas got out and locked the bus. "Ugh! I hate this guy!" I sunk down in my chair. "He almost killed Emmi and I." Gage blurted out. "Wait what?! Emmi's here?! Where is she?!"

I started panicking. "No, no I saved her before Lucas can get her. He only got me." I nodded my head. "Are you okay?" He nodded his head no.

"Don't worry Gage, we'll be safe." I assured him. I didn't want an innocent 5th grader to be scared like I am. Lucas came back with Cooper and Brock, since their both in elementary school.

"Avia!" Brock ran to me. "Avia, where are we? That man slapped me really hard." He pointed to Lucas. "It's okay Brock, I'll keep you safe." He sat on my lap and Lucas sped off again.

I don't understand how he doesn't get pulled over. We ended up at an abandoned house. "GET OUT!" Lucas yelled in our ears. We scurried out and he pushed amd shoved us in the old smelly house.

"Don't move or say a word. Or I kill." All of us cousins and siblings stood up straight. "You might be asking why in the world I kidnapped you. Again. Well... we want the entire Butler family, dead." He laughed an evil laugh.

I wanted to yell, but obviously that would get all of us in danger. What am I talking about? We're all ready in danger. "Follow me, brats." Lucas walked to an old dusty room.

"Sit down." There was no where to sit so I was guessing to sit on the floor. The seating order was,

Me | Brock | Cooper | Gage

After we were all seated Lucas started talking again. "Phones! Hand them to me please." I handed him my perfect IPhone 6 while the rest of them handed theirs.

He put them in a box and put it next to his feet. We have you all captured, for who knows how long. Well of course I do. And my father." Oh no. I knew his father. I hate him. It was Dan.

Just at that moment he came in. "Well, well, well. Look who it is. The Butlers. Yuck. I despised your family for many years. Great job, son." Lucas bowed.

"Now, lets make this little letter." Dan took out a notepad and a pen. "Dear Butlers, we have four. Call the cops, we kill one. Try and rescue them, we kill two. Show this letter to anyone besides your family, we kill the last one. Lots of hate, your nightmare." He talked as he wrote.

"Lucas, make a copy to Carlie's family, Casey's family, oh and of course, Shay's family." He handed Lucas the paper and he walked away.

Dan looked back at us. "Make a sound, one of you will die. We won't hurt you, but will starve you." He walked out with the box of our phones. We sat in silence. I could tell Brock understood everything, he just sat there.

The unlucky thing is that we die no matter what happens.


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