Chapter 19

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Emmi's POV

We arrived at the hospital as they rolled in Dad. They took him to a big room, with alot of flowers as. wallpaper.

A doctor hooked him up to a million wires and put a tube through his nose. He then put him in hospital clothes and gave him some sort of medicine.

Avia and I watched as they did so much work on him. "Avia and Emmi Butler? We need you to exit the room. We will have to do stitch up his stomach." Thr doctor told us.

We nodded and left. I saw Mom, Gavin, Brock, and Daxton walking towards us. "How is he?!" Mom asked us. "They're gonna stitch him up." Avia replied.

Brock sat next to me. "I'm hungry." He whined. Mom gave me a dollar and told me to get him something from the vending machine.

I took his hand and walked to the vending machine. "You can either get Rice Crispies, Doritos, or a ganola bar. Which one?"

He thought about for a while. "Hmm... Doritos!" He yelled a little too loud, people looked at us. "Shhh!" I told him.

I punched in E4 as the chips fall down and Brock gets it. "Yay!" We walked back to the family.

They were all sitting down, doing something with their phones. "Aunt Carlie is coming to pick you kids up. She said she'll take you guys shopping." Mom told us.

Yay! I finally get to see Aunt Carlie! After 10 minutes Carlie was finally here.

"Hey kids! Cooper's in the back! He's excited to see you guys!" I smiled as I sat next to her on the passenger's seat. As she was driving the kids talked in the back.

Carlie and I talked together. "So how's your marriage with Jackson?" I asked her. "Oh you don't even know! He's the best husband ever! He loves hanging out with Cooper. I honestly think he's a great dad." I smiled.

After a few minutes of talking Carlie parked the car. We all got out and chose buddies. I was with Avia, Gavin and Cooper, and Carlie with Brock and Daxton.

"Okay, where to first my children?" After choosing over 100 shops, we picked one out. The Disney Store!

Avia's POV

As we were walking I felt this weird feeling someone was watching us. I looked around. Everyone was either walking past us, or going in a store.

We reached the Disney Store and Emmi and I ran to the princess section. "Meet at this spot when you guys are done okay? So that we can pay." Carlie told us. "Oh and if you need anything, call me or anyone else." We nodded and looked around.

As I was looking I swear I saw Dan. I gasped and dragged Emmi to the changing room. "Emmi! I saw Dan! He was looking straight at me!" I whispered. "Oh no. We have to call Carlie." I checked my phone.

Its dead! I thought it was 30%! "My phone is dead." I told her. "Mine is full." She dialed her number. Carlie pick up the phone!

Emmi hung up as we heard screams everywhere. A store clerk opened the door and took us outside. "What's happening?!" I asked her. "Someone was shot, and another was taken somewhere." She rushed back to the store.

There was a huge crowd so we called for Carlie's name. "CARLIE! COOPER! GAVIN! BROCK!" We held hands, making sure not to loose eachother.

I saw Carlie! "Carlie!" She turned around and ran to us. "Oh my goodness, I was so scared! Where's Gavin?!" Wait. I thought Gavin was with them!

"No this can't be happening. I lost Cooper too." She started bawling her eyes out.

Gavin could be shot. Cooper could be taken away. Or Cooper was shot and Gavin was taken.

Ooohhh! Cliffhanger! What do you think? Was Gav shot? Was Cooper taken? Or was Cooper shot? Or Gavin taken?

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