Chapter 22

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Gavin's POV

I was in my room listening to music when a mysterious number texted me.

The text read :

Person: hi

Me: um... do i know u? i think u got the wrong #

Person: no i am sure this is the right number, Gavin.

What?! How does he know my name?

Person: Gavin, go outside, you should see a white van. bring daxton with you. If you dont, two will be dead.

Me: no! why are you texting me?! leave me alone! Is this Avia? WELL IF IT IS PRANKS OVER.

Person: not avia.

Person: wont do what i say? have it your way. Good bye Gavin.

I locked my phone. I don't know if I should show this to Mom and Dad. I was waiting for one of my siblings to pop up somewhere and say gotcha! But no one jumped out.

°The next morning°

Colette's POV

I was making breakfast for the kids and heard the mailman. I just finished and ran to get the mail.

There was one for Shay from Maker, and one I or the family never gets.

It was from Gray St. Apt. 4. Hmm...

I put it on a desk and saw the kids already eating. I decided to vlog since we hardly do anymore.

"Hey guys! The kids and I are just here, eating breakfast!" I vlogged Daxton having eggs everywhere.

"Alright! Time for school!" I turned off the camera and got in the car. After I dropped off the kids I drove back home. I checked my mirror and noticed the same exact car following me from the school.

I got nervous and pulled over. The person in the car pulled over across from me. I pretended to go outside. He went outside too! I quietly went back inside and drove off.

Good. He isn't following me.

Avia's POV

Today we had a sub for whatever reason. His name was Mr. Hood. Whenever he was asking a question he would always call on me!

Even some other kids noticed and whined why he wasn't calling on other students. Why does it feel like I'm in a fanfiction? I thought in my head.

I have a very weird feeling about this teacher.


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