Chapter 27

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Colette's POV

We just got to the hospital and I went to the front desk. "Um excuse me? We're here to get my daughter, Emmi Butler, checked up."

The lady nodded and typed some stuff up. "Yes, it says here Pocatello Police Station sent me an email saying you guys get a free appointment today." She smiled.

I smiled back. "Please wait and take a seat in the waiting room, Dr. Carlo will be with you."

"Thank you, ma'am." I walked Emmi and Daxton to the waiting room. "Mom? Am I going to be alright?" Emmi asked me.

I didn't really know how to answer that. "Well, yes. Actually, hopefully you'll be more than better. Don't worry baby, the doctor will check you up and you will be fine." I assured her.

She smiled. "Emmi Butler." A nurse called. I carried Daxton and Emmi followed the nurse. First they checked her weight. She was at the right weight for 10 year olds. ( Remember this is 3 years later)

Then they checked her blood pressure. Emmi flinched when the cast squished her arm. "It's okay, honey." I rubbed her back.

The nurse removed it from her arm and led us to one of the check up rooms. "The doctor will be here soon." The nurse told me.

After waiting a few minutes a tall man came in. He had a small mustache, dark brown hair, and a doctor coat.

"Hi. You must be the Butlers. I'm Dr. Carlo. How's your day?" He started typing stuff on his computer. "Thank you, and it's been a crazy day." He smiled.

"Ok, so Emmi, please take a seat right here." He pointed to the bed. She sat and he checked her heaetbeat. Then he checked her body. Emmi's eyes, ears, legs, etc.
As he was checking her arms, he stopped at her elbow. He had a confused look on his face. "Emmi, can you stretch your arm towards me?" He was infront of her so she streched forward.

I thought she was going to make it straight, but it stayed with her elbow out. "Ow." She put her arm down. "Mrs. Butler, I'm pretty sure Emmi has a broken arm. But, just to make sure, lets do some x-rays."

I nodded. "Mommy? Is Babytard okay?" Daxton looked up at me. I gave him a small smile. "Yes. She just has a broken arm." He nodded and walked with me.

Dr. Carlo led us to a dark room. "Please take a seat right here." He turned on the x-ray screen. Emmi put her arm and it showed her bones.

Dr. Carlo nodded. "Yes. That is definitely a broken bone. We'll give her a cast right away. Other than this, she is perfectly fine."

I smiled and hugged Emmi. "Thank you." I told him. "I'm just doing my job. So Emmi, what color cast will you like? We have the entire rainbow."

She thought about it. "Uhm... purple!" He nodded. "Good choice." He brought us to another room.

°After the doctors cuz I'm lazy°

Colette's POV

We left the doctors. Emmi loved her cast. "Mom? Can you be the first to sign it?" I nodded. "When we get home. Okay?" I started driving home.

"Okay." She replied to me.

At home

"I'M HHHOOOOMMMEEE" Emmi yelled through the house. Shay and the kids came in the living room. "Woah! Babytard got a cast!" Brock started examining it.
Avia got a pen and gave it to me. I signed it with 'Mom - Get well soon! Everyone else signed it and I went to make dinner.

As I was making some salad, Daxton came in and tugged on the back of my shirt. "I want a cast, Mommy." I laughed. "Daxty, having a cast means you got hurt." He stared at me.

Then he hit his arm. "There. Can I get a cast now?" I laughed. "I mean- oh nevermind." I started tickling him and he ran away.

I finished making dinner and we said a prayer and we ate.

I took out the camera and started vlogging a little bit. "Hey guys! We're about to go to bed but Babytard got a cast! Isn't it cute?! Anyways, we're gonna go to bed now. Goodnight!"


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