Chapter 8

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Shay's POV

I just got a mysterious e-mail from someone as I was editing today's vlog.

It read :

Dear Shay Carl,

I would hold your kids and wife close.

Don't dare show this to anyone else besides your family.

Watch what you do. I am watching your every move.


"Colette! Honey! Come here please!" She walked in the room carrying Daxton.

She set him down on the couch. "What's wrong Shay?" I showed her the email.

"Woah. Shay do you know what this means? Someone out there in the world is after our family!"

Colette's POV

After Shay and I talked about that email I went and checked on Brock. He came home a few days ago.

He just fainted since it was super hot here. He's been doing fine, he's being his normal 5 year old self.

We went to Costco for some grocries. Emmi wanted to come so she can help me with Daxton.

When we got there we went to the meat section. I felt as if someone was staring at me.

I looked around and saw everyone doing their thing. Hmm...

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard Emmi crying. "Emmi! I'm coming!"

I ran to where I heard her voice. "Mommy! Over here!" She cried out again. I found her in the magazine aisle.

"Emmi, sweetheart! Are you okay?!" I ran up to her. "Oh yeah I'm fine I just wanted this Taylor Swift magazine."

She showed me the magazine."Emmi! You scared me!" She laughed and I agreed she could get it.
Sorry for late chapter. I just put this chapter since I'm not doing anything rn. Goodnight!

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