Chapter 30

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Emmi's POV

I was woken up by the dogs barking outside. I groaned and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

I wrapped my self in a towel, drying off my cast. I walked back to my room and put on a Trixin shirt and some skinny jeans. Mom helped me put my hair in a braid and I got my backpack.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I hugged them goodbye and I walked out to the bus stop. "Emmi! Wait!" I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Gage catching up to me.

"Oh hey Gage." I said as he caught up to me. "Hi. My mom said to walk with you today since she has to take Winston to preschool." I nodded and we made it to the bus stop. Gage and I sat together in the back.

Since the bus always picks us up first, we're the only ones besides the bus driver. But today's bus seemed weird and didn't feel right.

The driver was wearing a hat covering his eyes. We drive the opposite direction of where the school is. "Um... Excuse me! I think you're going the wrong way! I may only be in 5th grade but I'm smart enough to know the direction of the school!" I called for him, but he continued driving.

"Gage... we have to get out of here." He knew exactly why. "What do we do?" He asked me. I realized I forgot my phone on my desk in my room. "Do you have a phone?"

He looked through his backpack and I saw he has an IPhone 5s. "Yes! Good, good." He tried to turn it on, but it wouldn't.

Then it showed an empty battery. "No no no! Ugh!" I walked to the emergency door but it had a lock. "Dang it! Stop the bus right now!" I screamed at the driver, but he kept going.

I walked over to him and Gage followed me. I flew his hat off to see... Lucas?! "Lucas?!"

He sped off really fast, causing me and Gage being pushed back with so much force. Gage hit his back but unfortunatly for me, I hit my head so hard, everything instantly went black.

Gage's POV

I hit my back as I screamed in pain. I see Emmi next to me, unconcious. Come on Gage, think of something! Soon we were off the property. I looked around and saw this Lucas kid look at me at his mirror.

I looked away and the emergency exit was right next to us, but had a lock where the latch was. I looked into Emmi and I's backpack to see if there was anything I can use.

In failure I threw the backpacks. I looked at Emmi. She had a bobby pin. Wait! A bobby pin! Yes! I took it out of her hair and picked the lock. I managed to get it unlocked.

The bus came to a halt and Lucas was walking towards us. I opened the door and carried Emmi. He grabbed me from my back. I threw Emmi out but he got a hold of me.

He dragged me to the front of the bus, closing the exit. I see Emmi wake up. But then I see a fist to my face.

Emmi's POV

I woke up by being thrown hard on the ground. I checkmy surroundings. I see Gage being pulled away by Lucas. I couldn't move.

I couldn't talk either. It was like I was paralized. Lucas shut the door and dragged Gage to the front. "Gage!" I screamed but all the windows were shut.

I see Lucas hold him by his collar. Then with one punch, Gage was out. I started to cry. I realized I should leave. I hid behind a bush and waited for Lucas to drive off.

He left and I cried even more. I walked back to the property to tell the family.

The pain is spreading all over my family. We have to stop this.


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