Chapter 32

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Shay's POV

Three weeks later

I knew it! They would threaten us and kidnap our kids again! I walked downstairs and checked on Emmi. She has been in bed since Gage went missing. Emmi never talked, moved, or ate.

"Emmi, please talk. I can't my remaining kids down. I already lost one. I can't loose another. Please Emmi." I sat next to her on her bed.

For the first time in weeks, she turned to me. "Dad, we don't know where my cousins or my big sister is! What am I supposed to do?! They threatened to kill them! Who knows, they might be dead by now!"

She started tearing up. "I-I'm sorry you felt that way. To be honest, I don't know what to do either. I don't want anyone to end up dead. I'm such a horrible parent." I put my face in my hands.

I felt Emmi hug me from the back. "I'm sorry for yelling, Dad. I am just scared. I don't want to loose my relatives."

I turned back to her. "Don't worry, baby, I won't let that happen."

Avia's POV

It has been two weeks without any food. Like Dan said, they won't hurt us, but starve us.

Cooper and Brock would sit in the corner, mumbling words to themselves. Gage and I would try and find a way to escape, but we were too weak to walk.

Sometimes Brock would walk to me and whine he was hungry. We all were dirty. I could smell it. Brushing your teeth or not showering for two weeks straight is disgusting.

We never saw Dan or Lucas come in ever since they took us. I would hear little cries either from Cooper or Brock. We didn't know what time or day it was since the windows were replaced with cement.

I would hear footsteps walking past and near the room we are in. I was shaking of hunger. My throat was dry and my voice was very raspy.

Everytime we coughed we would hear Dan or Lucas shout, 'BE QUIET!' I felt like passing out but I couldn't leave my brother and cousins.

Right now we all sit in silence. I looked around and see Brock in the corner while Cooper is in the corner closest to the door. "Avia, can we just, well, die?"

I hear Gage whisper behind me. I was shocked. "Gage! What are talking about?! If we die can you think about how our parents would feel? How everyone we know would feel? They are already sad enough, lets not make them depressed!"

He looked at me. "I know that Avia! But look at us! We're starved, dirty, and we die no matter what! So what's the point of living?" He crawled next to Brock.

He has a point. But how am I going to get us out of here? I don't have magic. Then we heard the door open. There was a light held by someone.

The person started talking. "Brats, come here now." It was a female. We all walked over to her. Her voice seemed very familiar.

She led us out of the room and my eyes hurt since the sun were beaming in the abandoned house. We couldn't see her face since she looked down all the time.

But her clothes and appearence seemed very familiar. She pushed us in this smelly old room. "Stay in here. We wanna keep you here because that old room was too big for you guys. We don't want you guys to be able to move around."

She shut the door and all of us kids sat down. The door opened again. "Oh and you guys have no clue who I am don't you?" She looked up at us.

We all gasped besides Brock.

"Ceciley!" Brock ran over to her. "Ew! Get away from me brats!" She pushed Brock to me.

He started to cry. "I thought we were best friends."

"I never liked you people. Just wanted the money. Now, we will kill you guys, start vlogging, and all the money will go to us. People change and people die, Butlers."


I wanted to get Ceciley more in the story. But just remember this is a fanfic, NOT TRUE.

I love Ceciley in real life! <3

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