Chapter 23

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Avia's POV

Dad picked us up from school. Now we're at home, talking, relaxing.

I decided to tell them about my sub. "Today my class had a sub, and he would always chose me for every question." They were silent at first but Mom answered.

"Well maybe he just thinks you need extra help on the lesson." She suggested. "But you all know I get good grades and I'm very smart." It's true! I am pretty smart.

They nodded. "Well he doesn't know that my baby girl is super smart." Dad told me. "Hey! What about me! Am I chopped liver?" Emmi whined.

We all laughed. "Yes baby you're as smart as Albert Einstein!" Mom told her, hugging her.

She smiled and hugged back. "Who wants to go to Wingers?!" Dad shouted out. "Yay!" All the kids yelled. "Wow you guys are loud!" Mom laughed.

¡ At Wingers ¡

Still Avia's POV

We took a seat at a booth and mom and dad went to order. (I've never been to Wingers so I don't know what its like)

They came back with buffalo wings with celery and ranch. Mom was holding a tray with 3 different kinds of wings.

We dug in. "Oh my goodness I love this place." Gavin said, sauce all over him.

We all laughed. Behind Mom I saw a teenage boy staring at us. I couldn't see his face since he had a jacket covering his face.

I ignored him and continued eating.

Lucas' POV

I was at Wingers, planning how to get the girls and Daxton. Maybe when they go to the bathroom. Then when they all are distracted take Daxton.

Avia looked at me but continued eating. "You guys done?" Shay asked them. They all nodded. "Okay, who needs to use the bathroom?"

Yes! Avia and Emmi needs to go. They left and I followed, pretending to go to the mens room.

I take a rag and put some kind of chemical. When Emmi walked I cover her mouth with the rag. I waited until she was asleep, and did the same to Avia. Perfect.

Colette was coming so I dragged them into the mens room. I looked out to see the family panicking, looking for them frantically.

They all went to the counter. Daxton was playing with a toy car on the table. I ran to him and put the same rag. He cried as I dragged him. His crying stopped and I carried all three of them quickly to my car.

The Butlers didn't even notice! Ha! What bad parenting. I drove to my apartment and threw them in a room. I locked the door and called my father.

Emmi's POV

I woke up, having a bad headache. I looked around the place, where am I?

I saw my older sister next to me, sleeping. "Avia." I shook her until she woke up. Is she dead?

I saw a bed with Daxton in it. Wait. Daxton?! I tried waking him up too but he wouldn't! Ugh! Where are we?!

I heard footsteps coming towards the room we were in. I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep. "When will these brats wake up." A man's deep voice said.

I heard shuffling. "Just give them time. We have all the time we need once they wake up." Another voice told the other person.

"Whatever." The man said. I peeked a little to see them leave. I couldn't see their faces.

I wonder what happened. The last thing I remember is Avia and I going to the bathroom. Then walking out to see a... teenager I think... then it went dark. After that I never remembered anything.

Daxton woke up. "Emmi?" He asked me, his voice raspy. I walked over to him and hugged him tight. "Emmi where are we? I wanna go home. I want Mommy and Daddy." He whined.

I hugged him tighter. "Don't worry Dax, Avia and I will keep you safe." He looked at me confused. "Avia's here?" He asked me.

I nodded and showed him Avia sleeping. "When will she wake up?" His eyes started watering. "Daxton, honesty I don't know. I hope she wakes up soon so we can try and get out of here."

He nodded and layed down.

I can't believe an innocent four year old is stuck here. In a room full of hatred. And he's my baby brother.

This chapter is for reaching 1K reads! Honestly that was really quick!

Thanks for alot of support, votes, and kind comments!

<3 :)

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