Chapter 25

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Avia's POV

After I told Emmi the plan, we decided to get into action. We looked around for a vent.

I saw one very high up. Perfect. Now we just need a way to get up. I got up and pulled the matress against the wall.

Emmi started looking around for a screwdriver or a tool box. She found a hammer in the corner of the room. She handed it to me.

I carefully climbed up, being careful not to let the mattress fall or anything. I have to admit, climbing up a mattress is very difficult.

I quietly hit the hammer where the screws were at. Luckily it came off. Thank God. I carefully went down and got Daxton. I woke him up and told him to climb up to the vent.

"Come on Daxty." I heard Emmi whisper behind me. Once he got in the vent, I let Emmi go next. She struggled, slipping a few times. I couldn't blame her. She was really sore from the beating.
She put all her power into the last push up, she got in. Alright, my turn. I started thinking about Dad cheering me on when I climbed a rope in gym when I was younger.

His cheers, Mom being worried I would fall, and my siblings watching from below. I got up the mattress, thinking about those memories.

I thought about keeping my siblings safe. Right now, it is my responibility to get them home.

Emmi grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Yes!

"Daxton! Let me go first!" Emmi told him. They switched so that Emmi is first and Daxton was in the middle of both of us. We started crawling, following Emmi as she led us to the exit.

It took us a long time until we all saw a light. We quickly crawled to it and Emmi banged on the vent. It opened after her hitting it 10 times.

The vent fell on the ground of the outside world. We escaped! But we're going to have to jump down.

"Emmi! Be careful! I'll hold Daxton." She nodded and jumped down. She landed on the two feet. She gave me the thumbs up sign, signaling it was okay to jump.

I wrapped Daxton around my arms. He looked up at me, a tear running down his face. "Avia, I-I'm scared." He hugged me tighter.

I scooted over to the exit. "Don't worry Daxton. You won't get hurt." I assured him. He closed his eyes and I jumped out. It was a good thing there was dirt for us to land on.

I fell on my side, still clutching Daxton. My arm hurt, but the pain went away. I got up, to see Emmi getting Daxton. "Are you guys okay?!" I frantically asked them. They both nodded.

We were all dirty. Especially Emmi. We started walking away. People stared at us.

I looked around, to see if anything was familiar. Nothing. I went up to a couple feeding their baby. "Um excuse ma'am, what city are we in?"

I asked the woman. "Pocatello, Idaho, silly." She smiled. "Oh okay, thank you. Have a nice day." We all held hands and continued walking.



After about 15 minutes, Daxton whined he was hungry. I checked my pocket to find $5.32. Emmi checked hers and found $3.45. "Ok, we have a total of $8.77, lets go to the dollar store and bye some chips." Emmi informed.

I nodded and we walked until we found a dollar store. After 5 minutes of walking we saw one not too far from where we were.

We all ran over and went inside. Daxton got a big bag of BBQ chips and one bottle of water. We decided to share so we have money just for other times.

Emmi payed since it was only $2.00. We exited and continued walking. We ate the chips and drank some water. We made sure we had enough for later.

Suddenly there were 3 cop cars coming our direction. "Avia, Emmi, and Daxton Butler!"

They all got out and came towards us. "Good thing we found you. Your family is worried sick."

I can't believe it! We're saved!

They took us to a cop car and drove us home. I smiled at my siblings and they smiled back.

"Thank you for helping Emmi." I told her. We hugged. "And thank you Daxton for being paitent." I kissed him on the forehead.

Thank goodness we were found.


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